The Infringement of Eritrean Sovereign Legal Right By The Anti-Eritrean Unity Speakers (Part 1)
Eritrean "opposition" members in a failed Dan Connell-organized protest against Eritrea that had a handful of participants - Washington, D.C., 2013
“Why are the Eritreans in the Diaspora unable to deter this perplexing question “?
Yemane Tsegay MS.
Aerospace Engineer/Legal Advocacy
September 28, 2015
At Meskerem Website, posted on 8/25/2015, I read an upcoming event, which was held on 8/29/15, featured 21 speakers who came to Oakland California; delivered a rally speech for anti National Eritrean Unity.
Do you think these people will supposedly offer us an alternative to statehood better than what we have, achieved through our revolutionary and culturally driven National Unity?
After we paid with 100,000 lives and other war victims with over 60,000 were disabled and all these cruel acts that went on for 30 years first by Haile Sellassie and later by Mengistu that were waged against innocent Eritrean civilians. It is still fresh in our mind to remember the atrocities such as carpet bombing of the towns of Nakfa, Afabet, Massawa and Baraentu; the breast cutting of Eritrean women that went on for years; the thousands of Asmara citizen that were strangled with piano-wire in the city streets; the massacre of religious people in the church compound of the Woki Duba village; the over 400 villagers of Sheeb that were forced to lie down at gun point in the farm field and were rolled over by brigade size tanks, all were innocent villagers. Without going on to other similar atrocities. Within these 30 years war Ethiopians and Ethiopian soldiers killed upward of 500,000 innocent Eritrean fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters [1]. But at the end of the day:
Again, all Eritreans should ask this question:
How is it going to benefit us to hear a speech that glorifies the up-rooting and disposing the PFDJ who obtained our legal Nationhood status?
How can we forget our own history?
Do you think the mistake we are making today can have lifelong negative impact on us and our future coming generation?
The PFDJ is our defenders, liberators, carry out the promise of our martyrs, Nation builders of today tomorrow and into the future.
The commentary of Meskerem Website also indicated that the emphases of the conference may be dedicated to discussions on the old rhetoric of condemnations, demonization, and black mailings to the PFDJ and to manufacture unsubstantiated lies that supposedly will be used against the Eritrean Government. Their resolution is as usual to cry out loudly and beg the UN to slam Eritrea with even more sanctions including “Regime Change” effective immediately.
Based on their previous track record, they have always given out a deviant advice which has never benefited the people of Eritrea domestically or who are living abroad. These traitors have been preaching to many Eritreans: That all Eritreans have the right not to support the current National Government of Eritrea; instead, their speech is implying: That the Nation of Eritrea is collapsing and that all the citizens of Eritrea prepare to hand over governance to these Anti Eritrean National Unity speakers. These implications have been expressed by some of the featured speakers and can be viewed on YOU TUBE and other Websites. For example:
(a) Andebrhan Wedegirgis in video stated: “Eritreans and Ethiopians are the closest people in Africa and have many common strategic interest. Their differences can be resolved with reconciliations through a mechanism of Cultural Diplomacy and Classical Diplomacy” [2].
(b) Dr. Bereket Habte selassie, in video stated that: “I have been in Ethiopia and Page 5 Ethiopia and Eritrea have the same history and culture and he emphasized it by saying that we (means all Ethiopians and Eritreans) are all Ethiopians; my wish before I die he said: “that Eritrea and Ethiopia will come back together” [3]. There, this reminds us about Professor John Spencer, the foreign policy legal advisor of Haile Sellassie who worked very hard for 40 years; he was the main advisor for the acquisition of Eritrea via the United Nation. There is similarity of Dr. Spencer’s negative impacts on Eritrea with Dr. Berekt’s intention to follow Dr. Spencer’s Doctrine that is continuously harmful to Eritrea to this day. Dr. Bereket made the Eritrean Government legally liable to fulfill the requirement in the constitution he drafted and yet he is in contempt by not telling the truth for the job he did and called his service that he was a the handmaiden of the constitution not a “principal author of the Constitution,” but records show that he was the “principal author of the Constitution,”. Having said that, the main source that triggered the UN UPR (Universal Periodic Review) went into investigating deeply pertaining to the human rights records in Eritrea was due to the statement in Article 19 (2) of the 1997 unimplementd Eritrean constitution that states: Freedom of Expression without any legal obligation to the general public at all. Since the job of the UPR is to investigate human rights situation in Eritrea that written blanket statement made the nation of Eritrea liable and allowed the UPR to further investigate to the point of the overall governance of Eritrea. For example in the unimplemented constitution, Article 19 sub (2) states: Every person shall have the freedom of speech and expression, including freedom of the press and other media. Let us ask ourselves how does this benefit us and under what conditions, limitations, administrations or financial constraints to have all these freedoms. Don’t you think that there must be obligations to follow and that are fixed by law?
Continue reading:
The Infringement of Eritrean Sovereign Legal Right By The Anti-Eritrean Unity Speakers (Part 1)
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