Press Release of The Eritrean Community on The Facts of Piazza Indipendenza
Migrants clash with police clearing Rome piazza
Press Release of The Eritrean Community on The Facts of Piazza Indipendenza
The Eritrean Community in Italy is following with great concern the situation of African refugees in Piazza Indipendenza in Rome. The Curtatone building was home to Eritrean, Ethiopian and Somali citizens, including many mothers with children whom Italian authorities and institutions should protect by providing them with adequate accommodation.
It is an unpleasant picture to see people camped out on a square with an evocative and contradictory name: Independence. The whole city of Rome and even more the whole country Italy does not make a good impression questioning its migrants welcome.
The Eritrean community, who has struggled for years to stop human trafficking from Eritrea, in front of such dramatic and violent scenes is astonished and endeavours to assist by calling for all Eritreans in Rome and Lazio to welcome and host their most unfortunate fellow citizens.
The Eritrean community trusts in restoring legality and although against squatting, is aware of the lack of protection of those who have been recognized as political refugees and due to diktat from overseas, are left alone, whereas their status should include some basic rights such as a roof over their head.
The Eritrean community calls on the Eritreans involved to mitigate their tones to better solve the issue in compliance with the Italian laws. It also hopes that the various stakeholders in Piazza Indipendenza for humanitarian reasons will not exploit the refugees' situation solely to put their own interests first.
The Eritrean Community in Italy
Press Release of The Eritrean Community on The Facts of Piazza Indipendenza
Reviewed by Admin
12:00 AM

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