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As a part of on-going  DEAFNESS AWARNESS in Eritrea and in the Diaspora, I would be glad to share with you my favorite poem: "Ears! Ears! Ears!" It has been translated into Swedish by Mr. Gunnar Gomer, a former deaf teacher in Eritrea, East Africa. This poem was appeared in the official magazine of the Swedish National Association of the Deaf, and in several newsletters and magazines across the nation. The Italian version was translated by Dr. Tonneli, a leading Italian-American poet who lives in Arizona.

All in all, it is a question of survival for deaf people to laugh at themselves by telling stories and poems based upon their experiences. The deaf world is rich in written, oral and sign literature. That is why the hearing impaired are looked upon by astute and penetrating Sociologists and Anthropologists as distinct linguistic and cultural group.

Following the establishment of Eritrean Hearing and Visually Impaired Organization in the Diaspora, the deaf people like visually impaired are becoming more visible via the website (, Facebook, and social events, like Oakland Summer Festival.

 Please see it DEAFNESS BY ITS VERY NATURE IS AN INVISIBLE HANDICAP. In other word,  it is beyond our visual reach, and thus  limiting our awareness.

As we are in an age of visual culture facilitated by computer technology and internet, the myth associated with deaf people as a lonely folk in a cage; or fishes in a zoo-bowl is gone.

    ÖRON! ÖRON! ÖRON! (Swedish)

Jag har tvÃ¥ öron 
Men jag kan inte höra 
Kan jag skära av dem nu? 
Jag är rädd 
Jag vÃ¥gar det inte 
För utan dem 
Kommer jag inte att se ut 
Som en människa 
Öron! Öron! Öron! 
Där finns de pÃ¥ mitt huvud 
Gör tjänst som sköna kuddar 
När jag sover utomhus 
Vad annat är de bra till…? 
Öron är ofarliga horn 
Utan ben 
Ã…ter – vad är de bra till? 
De hÃ¥ller mina glasögon 
PÃ¥ rätt plats. 
Men hur lyckligt lottad är inte kvinnan 
Som är döv 
Eller hörande 
Hon kan ändÃ¥ ha dem till 
Att sätta i öronringar av guld.

          "Orecchie, Orecchie, Orecchie" (Italian)

Ne ho due 
ma sentire non posso. 
Meglio dunque tagliarle adesso? 
Ho paura e non oso 
giacche' senza di esse 
non avro' piu' l'apparenza 
d'un essere umano. 
Orecchie, orecchie, orecchie! 
Attaccate alla mia testa 
mi servono da cuscino 
quando dormo fuori all'aperto. 
E che piu'? 
Orecchie sono come 
innocue corna 
soffici como sono 
senza ossa. 
E che piu' ancora? 
Aiutano a tenemi 
gli occhiali al lor posto. 
Beata la donna 
sorda o non sorda 
che le puo' usare 
per appendervi i suoi 
orecchini d'oro.


I have two ears 
But I cannot hear. 
May I cut them off now? 
I am afraid 
I dare not 
For without them 
I may not look human. 
Clinging to my head below 
Serving as a lovely pillow 
When I sleep outdoors. 
What is more......? 
Ears are harmless horns 
For they are soft 
Without bones. 
What is more again......? 
Keeping my eyeglasses 
In their place. 
But how blessed is the woman 
Who is deaf or hearing 
She still can use them 
For her golden earnings.

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EARS! EARS! EARS! Reviewed by Admin on 12:01 AM Rating: 5

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