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I am not complaining

I am not complaining

When you take my liberty
Try to take away-destroy my identity
Try to give me identity, new identity
You took it away, you robbed me
Discarded me, sold me wholesale
Shook my life
When you displaced me
I didn’t complain

When you sabotaged my progress
When you took over my place, took over my ways
Took over my life and imposed your ways
I didn’t complain, I didn’t complain

I didn’t complain when you tried to place me under
Placed me under
Displaced me all over
Turned me into a homeless, nationless
I didn’t complain

When my dreams aspirations and hopes got dashed
After you smashed all semblances of Eritrean nationhood
Changed my life with imposed new life of servitude
Turned my life to hollow shell of existence
Under surveillance
Drove me to tears and helplessness
I didn’t complain

In times of agony and hardship that you imposed
During wars that you ignited
When under duress and stressed
When I was hungry, famished
Needy, in need
I did not complain

When you closed the world on me
Placed me in house arrest, in my house
Instructed world to shun me and shunned me
I didn’t complain

I rise instead
I stand, stand strong
Resist, persevere, and persist to strive
Strive for success
With determination and willingness to sacrifice
With sacrifices

I stand
Inspired by hope and belief
Belief on each other to stand for the other
With a collective/united will
With one vision, uncompromised vision
I stand

I stand tall,
Cognizant, aware of you treachery
Confident that I will overcome your butchery
Confident that I will expose and foil your trickery
I stand

Stand tall,
Armed with the prayers of parents
Armed with iron will, principled stands
With a belief of victory for the masses
I stand to do my part, as part
And I rise victorious
I rise above all
In their honor and for their honor
I rise as Eritrean

Amanuel Biedemariam
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I am not complaining Reviewed by Admin on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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