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Somali President to visit Eritrea on Saturday

President. Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed

Somali President to visit Eritrea on Saturday

By Halbeeg

Somalia President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed will make his first State visit to Eritrea on Saturday, Somali and Eritrean officials confirmed Friday.

Eritrean Information Minister, Yemane G. Meskel said President Farmajo and his delegation will be arriving in the capital city Asmara tomorrow for a three-day State visit.

“On the invitation of President Isaias Afwerki, the President of the Republic of Somalia, H.E. Mohammed Abdullahi Mohammed, will pay a three-day visit to Eritrea,” Meskel said in a Twitter post, “President Mohammed Abdullahi and his delegation are scheduled to arrive in Asmara tomorrow morning.”

On the other hand, Somalia’s Information, Dahir Mohamud Gelle who spoke the state-owned media confirmed the visit saying the President and delegates from Somali government will be heading Asmara tomorrow.

This will be the first of sitting Somali leader since the tiny East African nation gained independence in 1993 just two years later when Somalia’s central government led the then late Mohamed Siyad Barre was toppled.

Mr. Farmajo will be the second East African leader Eritrea since Ethiopia and Eritrea agreed to bury the hatchet and restored their diplomatic ties.

Eritrea remains under United Nations sanctions after alleged support for the Somalia-based al-Shabab extremist group. Eritrea denies it.

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