Ethiopia: High ranking officials banned from leaving the country
TPLF's State of Emergency has turned Ethiopia into a giant prison
High ranking government officials are not allowed to leave the country without the authorization of the command post that was set up to enforce the state of emergency declared in Ethiopia a week ago, sources disclosed to ESAT.
The ban was not included in the details of the emergency law that was released last week but sources say an internal memo sent to higher officials by the command post prohibit government officials from leaving the country without the approval of the command post.
The so called command post is run by three veteran members of the TPLF, namely Abay Tsehaye, Debretsion Gebremichael and Samora Yunis, the sources said adding Siraj Fergessa of the OPDO was just the media face of the Tigrayan clique running the command post.
The minority regime declared a state of emergency on October 9, 2016 after a year long protest by the Oromos and the Amharas against Tigrayan domination of the economy and political power.
The people of Bahir Dar and Gondar in the Amhara region held a strike this week defying the state of emergency, although the martial law prohibits strikes and protest demonstrations, among others.
Ethiopia: High ranking officials banned from leaving the country
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12:00 AM

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