Illegal and Immoral UN/US Sanctions on Eritrea, Fail
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Muriel in Asmara depicting the challenges Eritrea has faced in its modern history - the camel represents Eritrea overcoming these challenges (Image credit: DJ Adulis 'Chedo' Mokanan) |
Illegal and Immoral UN/US Sanctions on Eritrea, Fail
Amanuel Biedemariam
During an interview, April 7/2014, RT, former US Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul said that US imposed sanctions are in fact an “act of war.” He states,
“If two countries get in war, one of the most important things that they do is that they put down blockade – they prevent trade so the various countries can’t get their raw products. So, in that sense, the economic sanctions is doing something that happens in wartime, and that is preventing a government from getting certain things that are needed for the war.”
The US, using a client state Ethiopia, has been waging wars against Eritrea for decades. The aim, to kill nationalism, dissolve Eritrea, integrate Eritreans and make them Ethiopia nationals by any means in order to dictate regional and global terms.
Contrary to these sinister motives however, the trajectories always favored the people of Eritrea. Then as in now, Eritrea has been able to unshackle Eritrea from US and Ethiopia-set-trap and freed Eritrea. That is what makes Eritrea’s freedom unique because Eritrea is the only country in Africa that earned freedom with blood against the will of US after defeating successive Ethiopian regimes.
Furthermore, Eritrea understood, to ensure freedom she must follow an independent path, work towards complete emancipation based on the mindset of Self-Reliance, and use all challenges as pedestal to the next step; hence, embarked on nation building-process that prioritizes on human capacity building.
The self-reliance-mindset-based progress is what successive US administrations tried to stop. The war that Ethiopia started in 1998 aimed to stop Eritrea from seeding foundation, However, Eritrea kept marching. What they believed will last 6 months have gone-on for 17 years. In the process Eritrea managed to peel-off-all hurdles and is seeding stronger foundations that will serve generations of Eritreans.
What they tried to achieve militarily failed. As a result new mechanisms to isolate Eritrea and weaken her into submission were put forth. Initially there was an attempt to place Eritrea in the list of nations that sponsor terror. That was defeated by the hard work of Eritreans and late Congressman Donald Payne.
When that failed, illegally conceived UNSC Resolution 1907 (2009) sanction was levied to weaken Eritrea economically and militarily. The sanctions are illegal for many reasons but mainly because Eritrea was not even allowed to make her case. They denied President Isaias entry visa into the US until the very last minute when the decision was to be rendered.
Sanctions are as Congressman Ron Paul stated an act of war. The arms embargo that the UNSC Resolution 1907 (2009) levied was designed to tie the arms of the people Eritrea so Ethiopia can have its way militarily. Hence, the sanctions are a continuation of the war agenda, evidence that the US agenda have not changed and that the machinations continue unabated.
However, to their dismay, what remains constant is the resilience of the people of Eritrea and their ability to outmaneuver the machinations and come out on top.
Why US/UN Sanctions on Eritrea failed
The sanctions are integral part of the regime change agenda. The arms embargo is designed to deny Eritrea the ability to defend herself. The economic sanctions were designed to hasten hardship and arouse social upheaval. The sanctions are on their fifth year, but did it achieve what they intended?
In 2009, at the time that the UN announced the sanction, President Isaias Afewerki made simultaneous announcement that made the sanction dead on arrival. He said Eritrea has achieved food security with reserve.
When a nation fails to feed its people then that nation is prone to social upheavals. Considering where Eritrea started, achieving food security with reserve is a major achievement particularly relative to the African continent that is dependent on handouts for survival. Food aid is a tool that the West uses to control poor nations. The sanctions failed specifically because:
- The sanctions are supposed to create a wedge between the people and the government. However, the UN process and the unfair ways the US maneuvered the sanction incensed the people of Eritrea that protested worldwide to express their discontentment and affirmed solidarity with their government. The people and government came closer and dealt a blow to their agenda.
- The illegal arms embargo is designed to deny Eritrea the ability thus her inalienable right to defend herself. Did that work? The people of Eritrea are capable to defend their sovereignty no matter the circumstance or shortages. No sanction will stop them from defending Eritrea. After the imposition of the sanction, Ethiopia has in a number of occasions used force and was repulsed. To the contrary the minority regime is crumbling, leading Ethiopia towards instability and social unrest. Ethiopia is no position to threaten or wage wars against Eritrea. Direct result of Eritrea’s efforts that turned the table.
- The sanction’s initial intent was to take control of Eritrea’s mining revenues. Controlling the revenue stream means controlling the governance of the nation. Where is that agenda now? No sanction can deter Eritrea’s directions primarily because of the way Eritrea manages her resources and the economy, which is far sighted, meticulous and places capacity building in the center.
- Global appetite for resources is huge and Eritrea possesses amongst the most important resources the word needs today making enforcement impossible.
- The sanctions levied on Eritrea failed because it is unjust, illegal, politically motivated, agenda driven and does not serve the greater good. Moreover, sanctions overall have become tool used by the US to further its global agenda. This limits its effectiveness because it works counter the interests of all nations except EU/West.
The sanctions fail because Eritrea is willing and able to pay the price and endure. The regime change agenda’s first target was Eritrea. The unofficial arms embargo and sanctions levied on Eritrea after the war with Ethiopia were so-severe that if it had been applied on any other nation that nation would have buckled.
Eritrea was encircled on the South by Ethiopia, across the Red Sea by Yemen and on the North-West by Sudan, nations that made security-pact to isolate and deny Eritrea her natural trading paths. These neighboring countries placed the stringiest form of economic and arms embargo to suffocate Eritrea into submission. However, in a short time, Eritrea brilliantly managed to break through the threats and reestablished strategic relationship with the Sudan and Yemen.
Today, Sudan and Eritrea have opened their borders with free trade agreements. Yemen is in chaos and, Ethiopia is on the brink. The architects: Meles Zenawi is dead; Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen was ousted after being burned by demonstrators and under UN sanctions. President Omar Al Bashir of Sudan is being hunted by the ICC.
Eritrea was amongst the first recipients of US engineered sanctions and machinations. These sanctions are far-sighted and part of ill-conceived agenda designed to undermine Eritrea’s sovereignty by any means. Evidences are abundant on how successive US administrations abusively manipulated UN systems and regional actors to gain upper hand on Eritrea.
It is however a contradiction to see US and the so called “humanitarian organizations” proclaiming ad-nauseam Eritrea’s demise. They call Eritrea, “tiny, frail, hungry and inferior-to-her-gigantic neighbors etc...” While devoting tremendous attention and resources at the highest levels to bring her to her knees.
What this shows however is Eritrea’s strength. Eritrea is always able to meet these challenges and defeat their agendas. Before any country, Eritrea was able to stand up against these machinations and exposed it. Ironically, the countries that once cooperated to levy the ill-conceived sanctions are on the receiving-end. In fact, just three years ago Russia was pondering whether to vote or reject Eritrean sanctions. Today Russia and Eritrea are on the same boat-both under US engineered sanctions.
Eritrean Sanctions within the Global Context
One of the reasons why UN/US sanctions are-no longer effective is because it does not serve the greater good. The UN is not the custodian of global interest; it is a tool the US uses to further its interests at the expense of all others.
Recently, when the US and EU failed to maneuver sanctions through the UN; US and the West imposed their own sanctions on Russia. The question, how will these sanctions influence Russia and, what are the global implications? What does it mean to the viability of the UN?
Russia is nuclear power with resources and veto power. The US and Russia have competing strategic interests. What the US does against the national interests of Russia is perceived as an act of war and part of a regime change strategy. That suggests a split at the UN and return to the Cold War like environment.
On the East, US policy “Asia Pivot” means amped-up challenge on China and its interests worldwide. While, at the same time China has expanded its economic sphere of influence using its financial upper-hand. The US is working with its EU allies in pursuit of these agendas. This juxtaposition has brought China and Russia closer. India, Brazil and South Africa have found an alternative (to the West that historically marginalized them,) and joined the alliance, BRICS. And the BRICS as a whole are looking to expand their sphere of influence globally.
Furthermore, the UN’s work focused more on humanitarian and human rights issues that the West and their agencies exploit to further their agendas. The UN failed to work on agendas that foster development, partnerships and cooperation. The UN essentially became a tool of the West. Hence, the new multi-polar world found alternatives to US led UN because the UN failed to serve as a vessel for greater cooperation and international relations.
As a result China and Russia specifically and, the BRICS as a whole have become alternatives to the US and the West. The BRICS are vocal and intent to challenge the West. For example, on May 20, 2014, Russia and China released a joint statement,
“Moscow and Beijing have rejected the imposition of sanctions as political tools and condemned attempts at “encouraging and financing” regime changes in other countries.”
Sanctions are in fact an act of war. The first major step Ethiopia took against Eritrea was reject Eritrea’s ports and stopped all trades with Eritrea. Eritrea in effect was under unofficial sanctions for a long time. But when that failed they legitimized the sanctions through the UN. The pressures on Eritrea have been consistent. Eritrea however, was able to withstand the punishments and managed to lessen the impact of these sanctions because of the unity of the people and their willingness to endure with an eye for a brighter future and knowing that victory is a must. The global geopolitical juxtaposition will ultimately neutralize the UN and mitigate US hegemonic agendas worldwide. But what the people of Eritrea did is demonstrate to the world that they need-no power to baby their nation and that they are in fact the true custodians of their sovereignty. Nothing or no one can change that.
Illegal and Immoral UN/US Sanctions on Eritrea, Fail
Reviewed by Admin
7:00 PM

"Sanctions are in fact an act of war. The first major step Ethiopia took against Eritrea was reject Eritrea’s ports and stopped all trades with Eritrea. Eritrea in effect was under unofficial sanctions for a long time."
ReplyDeleteSo if Ethiopia refusing Eritrean port services is considered as putting sanctions on Eritrea, does it follow that if Ethiopia prefers Eritrean port services against that of Djiboutian then Djibouti will also be considered under sanctions?
Two issues here everybody know the SANCTION is manipulated & instigated by ETHIOPIAN GOVERNMENT to effect and harm us by any means about the Ports it is our SOVEREIGN TERRITORIES and a COMMERCIAL SERVICE you used to say it is VERY EXPENSIVE and it is your "WON TERRITORY" and now using Djibouti and paying BILLIONS OF DOLLARS by your CHOICE and i think the people are also HAPPY FOR THAT(Paying billions of dollars for Djibouti rather then giving a single penny to ERITREA).
ReplyDeletewell said,Aman
ReplyDeleteAmerica is using the criminal JOHN FOSTER DELAS' eritrea should stay on fire for America interest..starting from 1952....2014 the same policy and never will change.But we need to work hard to defeat them again.America will never touch PUTIN..otherwise their empire will collapse in they go to the easy lazy..give the corrupt beggars ethiopian leaders food and weapon to go Eritrea to kill them like 40 years.If Putin slap them hard they could collapse and we can live peacefully with all our neighbors.American policy against eritrean people is the same as ISIL against every body,no difference all are destruction and kill.
We Will Never kneel Dawn!!!
Then who lost more by Ethiopia not using the Eritrean ports of Massawa and Assab?
ReplyDeleteFact 1: Ethiopia used to pay 1.25 Birr per ton for goods imported thru the Eritrean post. That is a fact and for all practical purposed you could say Ethiopia was using Eritrean port. Do not forget, the payment to Eritrea was in Birr and not in dollars.
Fact 2. : At this very moment, Ethiopia is paying $5.75 (dollars) per ton of goods imported thru Djibouti,
At 20 Birr for $1.0 exchange rate, here is Ethiopia paying over $800,000,000 per year to Djibouti in port fees. That means Ethiopia is paying 30 times more to Djibouti; payable in dollars. And that what you call sanction in reverse or "sanction backfiring."
Fact 3: From the President of Djibouti down to housewives, the whole Djibouti population is addicted to “Chat‘. Every day, from 11; AM to 4: PM all offices, businesses, including the port is closed for they are gone chew Chat. As a result, we have read Ethiopia good rotting in the heat of Djibouti,
These are the truth about Djibouti. Where as in Eritrea Chat chew is a taboo and the Eritrean port employees are productive 24 hours a day. That is bottom line difference between us Eritreans, and them.
Stop hallucinating and get real. Eritrean government aka Issayas afeworki is the one who put sanction on Eritrea. He had no business involving in Somalia and other countries affairs. Only fools believe UN sanction is the one who has deteriorated Eritrea. The main reason EPLF won the long fight against the most powerful army in black Africa was due to the collective leadership and decisions making. All those genuine leaders and decision makers are in concentration camps Today Eritrea is under 4 or 5 individuals who has hidden agenda. Time will tell to those who are blind and deaf what their agenda is, but for us it is Clear; " Hizbi Eritrea mitsnat " is the main goal.
ReplyDeleteYou are right Ethiopia is paying more but we are loosing more by having none functional port. Remember we have to maintain the port constantly for not rusting down and that costs a lot of money. If the port is not generating any income and spending millions in maintaining it, I call it double losses.
ReplyDeleteFack you kneel down! ha h a ha!
ReplyDeleteDo not forget, sanction against Eritrea was set in motion from day ONE in 1998. After the first war ended they believed Eritrea is buckle on day one. It was in May 1998, the Weyane and the then US Ambassador to Ethiopia, Mr. David Shin, believed Eritrea is to buckle in 30 days if they add economic strangulation (which is term they used for sanction then). To achieve that economic strangulation (sanction), the first thing they did was stop using the Eritrean ports, stop Ethiopian Airline flight thru Asmara, cut the international telephone lines to Eritrea; and last but not least they deported over 70,000 Eritreans with the only shirt in their back in a matter of 3 months. That was sanction used then.
ReplyDeleteDid Eritrea lost due to the fact Ethiopia stop using the Eritrean ports? Yes Eritrea lost but the lose on Eritrea was short lived where as the lose Ethiopia incurred still continues with geometric progression. Do forget, the Eritrean lose has been covered by other Eritrean economic developments where as the Ethiopian lose is only continue at a rate with no end on sight.
Do not forget, sanction against Eritrea was set in motion from day one in 1998. It was in May 1998, the Weyane and the then US Ambassador to Ethiopia, Mr. David Shin, believed Eritrea is to buckle in 30 days if they add economic strangulation (which is the term they used for sanction then). To achieve that economic strangulation (sanction), the first thing they did was stop using the Eritrean ports, stop Ethiopian Airline flight thru Asmara, cut the international telephone lines to Eritrea; and last but not least they deported over 70,000 Eritreans with the only shirt in their back in a matter of 3 months. How could we forget; that was the sanction used then.
ReplyDeleteDid Eritrea lost due to the fact Ethiopia stop using the Eritrean ports? Yes Eritrea lost but the lose on Eritrea was short lived where as the lose Ethiopia incurred still continues with geometric progression. Do forget, the Eritrean lose has been covered by other Eritrean economic developments and other innovative Eritrean endeavors, where as the Ethiopian lose is only continue at a rate with no end on sight.
Then who lost more by Ethiopia not using the Eritrean ports of Massawa and Assab? Let us see at the facts
Fact 1: Ethiopia used to pay 1.25 Birr per ton for goods imported thru the Eritrean post. I mean 1.25 Ethiopian Birr per ton. That is a fact and for all practical purposes you could say Ethiopia was using Eritrean port for free. Do not forget, the payment to Eritrea was in Birr and not in dollars.
Fact 2. : At this very moment, Ethiopia is paying $5.75 (dollars) per ton of goods imported thru Djibouti,
Here is Ethiopia paying over $800,000,000 per year to Djibouti in port fees in dollars. At 20 Birr for $1.0 dollar, it means Ethiopia is paying 30 times more to Djibouti; payable in dollars. And that what you call sanction in reverse or "sanction backfiring."
Fact 3: From the President of Djibouti down to the housewives, the whole Djibouti population is addicted to “Chat‘. Every day, from 11:00 AM to 4: PM; all government offices, businesses, including the port are closed for they are gone chew Chat. As a result, we have read Ethiopia import/export goods are left to rot in heat of Djibouti,
These are the truth about Djibouti and that is “sanction backfiring“
. Where as in Eritrea Chat chew is a taboo and the Eritrean port employees are productive 24 hours a day. That is bottom line difference between us Eritreans, and them. And if the Ethiopians and their backers think Eritrea is hurting, then they should start to think straight.
To read a penetrating and informative article by,,,,,,with the title….. Log on to the link below.
What do you mean the loss was short lived? We been losing revenues since 1998 and counting!! How is that "short lived"?
ReplyDeleteYou guys love to boast about the same thing over and over again. Do you guys realize how fast the US can run through Eritrea? You guys would get stomped out within a matter of hours, The US could easily attack Eritrea through Ethiopia. But the US has more important fish to fry. Eritrea on the global scale is insignificant, and that's the reason they haven't.
ReplyDeleteHIDROM, what was the president doing from 1993 to 1998??? He was shuffling people from one post to another inorder to secure his power grip.
ReplyDeleteYou Are Worthless
ReplyDeleteIn your dream agame worthless pig. agame reshat alete, komalat.
ReplyDeleteThe Eritrean People has been on HGDEF sanction since 2001. Issayas and his inner circle of Tegaru has a hidden agenda of destroying Eritrean nationalism. As former ambassador Andebrhan wrote in his book, Issayas influenced by alchohol once said "I know you all call me AGAME behinde my back, as I brought you independence and I will make sure to destroy this country". The dictator has lost his mind for long time ago and all his actions lately has been to destroy our future as a county. Few of those are: distribution of guys to every household, banning all private construction for the last 10 years, no actions to prevent the sanctions from being imposed on us, no vice president who can step in case of his sudden death...........he is intentionally leading us to destruction. And people like the writter are blindely supporting what ever action he takes....Who knows even the writter might be one of those with identity complex as the dictator. I wonder why the writters last name is more common in Tegray.
ReplyDeleteWedi Afom Beri, the Lion of Nacfa, is building a nation brick by brick. Take a look what Eritrea is doing. Here is Eritrea rising from the ashes like Pheonix and that all due to here farsighted and dedicated leaders. That is fact. If you do not trust me, go to Eritrea and drive around to see the what the Eritreans are doing. For starters, please log on to the links below and see what the Eritreans are doing.
Until such time you go to Eritrea to see for your self, sorry I have to force you to see the pictures; for pictures do not lie.
Amanuel is always lovely to read you brother..thanks
ReplyDeleteYou telling me to Go to Eritrea?? The past 3 years I went there twice. I have met 5 people who just come here from Eriitrea as a visitors. All of them has told me horrible things about Eritrea. The people in Asmara got 1-2 hr Electricity per day.
ReplyDeleteDerg is much much better than the current government. Derg never starved Eritreans intentionally. Derg had more respect to us than the clowns who are leading Eritrea.
ReplyDeletePardon me, am I reading you correctly? Did you say, "Derg is much much better than the current government? Derg never starved Eritreans intentionally. Derg had more respect to us than the clowns who are leading Eritrea."?
ReplyDeletePardon me; let me shove your words down your throat again. You did say, "Derg is much much better than the current government. Derg never starved Eritreans intentionally. Derg had more respect to us than the clowns who are leading Eritrea.". Oh my God, are you for real?
You know, you are your worst enemy. Leave what the patriotic would say after they read your words. The million dollar question is how many of those who call them selves an “opposition” would accept you as an Eritrean let alone as an "opposition". With such intellectual mediocrity, you are a loser from EDAGA ENUDAT.
To be honest, Eritrea does not need to worry about the likes of you. Let me repeat it. There is no need for Eritrea to worry about the likes of you. For you are your worst enemy and here is you committing ideological and political suicide. God luck for a lonely life in the streets of the West.
Please let me shove your words down your throat one more time; and it goes:
"Derg is much much better than the current government. Derg never starved Eritreans intentionally. Derg had more respect to us than the clowns who are leading Eritrea."
Please read your statement 10 times today. I want you to chew it and then swallow it What a shameful statement from an Eritrean, if you are an Eritrean!!!
(P.S., by nature I am not very emotional, but your idiocy sure made me to go back in time to see my village burned to the ground by DERG. May God give the wisdom to forgive your self!)
Why we have to wait for UN to make a peace for us why we didn't try to do it ourselves between as (Er & Et) and the hole East Africa don't you think Peace is better than fight.
ReplyDeleteI will say it again my friend - Derg was much better than the current government we have. Atleast people were getting subsidized Electricity, medicine, bread.....despite all economical problem it had. HIGDEF is starving the people, shooting to kill anyone who wants to leave Eritrea, hijacked the whole nation, surrounded us by DEMHIT, stealing our Gold, punishing Eritreans every day.
ReplyDeleteLet me repeat it - comparing DERG was less evil than HGDEF. HGDEF is the grand evil worse than N. Korean regim.
EriRAT, since when is the capital city is least important? 20% Eritreans live in Asmara. Most of small industries, institutions, Embassy (all), Hospitals, service centers are in Asmara. If the government can not provide enough water and Electricity to the most vital institutions, industries and service centers, then what has it accomplished the past 23 years? I bet a "Gawna from Arberoboe" would do better job than the hyena from Nakifa.
ReplyDeleteI believe you that your village burned but it was war. What excuse would you give the mass exodus of our people, the mass killing, shoot to kill, "akabitso", mass arrest.... by the regim?
ReplyDeleteLet me say it again, I have more respect for Menghistu than Issayas. If I meet both of the at the same time, I would blow Issayas head befor I pull the trigger at Menghistu.
Man, you are full of hatred! I am afraid it will kill you someday!
ReplyDeleteBut you are a lair. Eritreans are not surrounded by Demhit! There aren't enough of them to have us surrounded! You think because we ignored similar statements in the past, you could easily pass it by us, heh?
I think you have irreversibly gone radioactive!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes I'm full hatred, I hate the corrupted, greedy, unpatriotic, doublfaced snakes who are leading Eritrea. They made our people impotent, they made our people beggars, "decent used to be" are begging in the streets of Asmara. I saw it with my own eyes. People are dying everyday because of lack of basic medical care. You see only "inda hazen" when you go to Asmara today. A country without hope have they turn it. Over a 1000 per month is flocking to Ethiopia. Only old people and father less kids are left in Eritrea. Our national service soldiers are without hope and moral. This was the grand master plan of Issayas. To put us in the same level as his cousins below mereb river.
ReplyDeleteWhat is your say Mr EriRat?
ReplyDeleteWhat economic development are you talking about? We had more economical development in Eritrea during colonial time. Today you have a government who can not able to provide basic medicine, bread, electricity, water... To its people. I guess in your twisted world that is called development.
ReplyDeleteShut up liar. When he gave U an ample explanation on ur previous "convcen", U just pick up what he said in the end of his analysis and U start whining about that instead. No use to debate with people like U, who only know how to whine, complain, cry... shite. Women in men´s clothes.
ReplyDeleteTell me; why do I feel sorry for you? Just by reading your words, I can paint your picture as a man who is tormenting him self cocooned in "one room" world. It is OK to be an "opposition", but from reading your posting you are your own worst "opposition" and that is something you could never live with. If this is your political sophistication and if this is your intellectual depth; then even those who call them selves "opposition" will be your "opposition". In short, you will end up like a mad dog with no teeth barking in the streets. Read to the words of wisdom of GASHA, if it can help.
ReplyDeleteHere you are a lonely man. I am sorry to say it bluntly . But even those who call them selves "opposition" are to say "here comes the illegitimate son of Mengistu Hailemariam". By the way, do not utter the word "Mengistu Hailemariam" to family member of the 60 Amhara aristocrats who were mowed by Mengistu Hailemariam in December 1974.
Good luck in your lonely "one room" world!
Question to all - If the sactions are so ineffective and Eritrea has completely circumvented them and thrived and developed inspite of them.... why all of these paragraphs and paragraphs of diatrabs by every eritrean arm-chair-general veneting about it? If the sactions are irrelevant why are you people wasting so much time talking about it? First of all the sactions are not economic, your government is still allowed to collect your 2% taxes from those still willing to pay them. Your government is allowed to profit from your thriving Eritrea's International Organ trade (I'm surprised you don't have a ministry established to handle it - Ministry of Organ Trades...), you're still allowed to have international mining companies operate in your mines. If the saction were economic, Eritrea would have dissentegrated within 5 minutes of their implementation. The Sactions are military. Which means you cannot import spare parts for your weapon systems. Which has resulted in your entire air force being grounded. Which has resulted in your air defense systems malfucntions due to lack of spare parts. Anyone can see right through your collective psychosis... Militarily, Eritrea is a sitting duck and since the only thing you know is the barrel of the gun when you're denied the gun, you've got nothing and you go CRAZY. In addition, I'm sure you're all too, too dim-witted to see the trees from the forest... but the sactions have NOTHING to do with Eritrea. Yes... they don't. They were put into effect to prevent Egypt from using Eritrean assets and territory to strike at the GERD dam. There are military ships patroling the Red Sea and monitoring Eritrean Air Space. If Egypt were to move mass military assets into Eritrea, then Egypt would be in clear violation of Security Council directives and will face the wrath of the International body as well as AU and IGAD. Let me repeat... the sactions have NOTHING to do with Eritrea. If the U.S. and Ethiopia wanted to destroy Eritrea, they would have had an economic saction imposed. If you can, put aside your primitive hatred towards Ethiopia and think of what is going on on the macrocosim level. If you can. :)
ReplyDeleteYou mean sanctioning Eritrea is to harm Egypt and save Ethiopian interest ? Who was planning all these ? Magician Woyane ? If you are not scared to death from Egypt, why dont you and your Masters sanction Egypt directly though LOL
ReplyDeleteIm fedup reading you as usual LOL LOL
ReplyDeleteGhost, you are just a scary shadow, move off ! LOL
ReplyDeleteHIDROM, unlike you i dont live in denial. Unfortunately you are wrong about me. I am surrounded by friends and families with different opinion but one common thing among us - Eritrea is heading to a wrong direction. It is like a plane flown by a pilot who can not interpret the planes basic flight instrument. I guess you are one of those people who never travel to Eritrea and accustomed the "Nabra SIDETT". Inorder to reply me, you should go there spend sometime with your people, listen to them when they talk, try to put your self in their position, eat what the eat, and experience their daily life. That is when you and me could discuss about Eritrea.
ReplyDeletePs. That is exactly what I did twice with in 3 years. All my friends are still suffering in the service and I felt their pain........
Was there anything I said that was incorrect? I don't think so, that's why you choose to attack a screen name instead of my point.
ReplyDeletehey , what u saying what u dreaming even doing never change mind and direction of the government of Eritrea , everybody will see Eritrea in the first of all nations in the world
ReplyDeleteAgame killer first of all open ur tang as an Eritrean , in continuation no Eritrean kneel down except to his GOD as it has told ever
ReplyDeleteto E. semere Peter
ReplyDeleteI am Z Cruise and I approve the message.
ReplyDeleteHow is that? You deducted that from the three sentences above? Elaborate please.
ReplyDeleteThe “illegitimate son of Mengistu Hailemariam’, what is wrong? Did you say, “I am full of hatred”. Why? You just cannot handle the marching of Eritrea to the Promised Land. Here is news coming your way that will make you knock your head against the solid concrete wall and sure you gonna hate your self more.
ReplyDeleteFor more good news coming your way from back home, log on to the link below, to see Eritrea marching to the Promised Land unshaken and unperturbed by the barking of the toothless dogs like you from the streets of the West.
It is OK to hear you barking; for we use your barking as the barometer or thermometer to gage the hopelessness of the Desperados like you.
Tell me though; why do I feel sorry for you? Is it because you are wandering with no country and people to belong to; just like your “ADOPTED FATHER- MENGISTU HAILEMARIAM“!!!!!!!!
By the way, it is “Thanks Giving Day“. Do you know you have a lot to be thankful for. For starters, here is you who has a country and people who are peaceful, decent, kind, forgiving, hardworking, steadfast, dedicated, humble, and God/Allah fearing. That is a blessing you should take time to be thankful. Of course, if you are an Eritrean,
Tesfa news is your source? You blind fool! I don't need a bougu source while I could able to see it with my own eyes. Never in our history have been humiliated like today. Many fathers, mothers and grand parents are begging on the street of Asmara for handouts. Many kids are raised without father's.... I guess your master want to label us equal to his cousins. Now go and shoot yourself.
ReplyDeletehere Is Z Bullshit,
ReplyDeleteU still go round your tail like a maddog?
My peace loving instinctual Eritrean side was going to come out and say: you know what, that’s all we wanted … I know naïve or as you call it ‘ashai... lol but then I remembered how you made another generation hate you by your choice to sleeping with not just any outsiders but with the children of the devil, in the hope that your inferiority complex would despair, if you some how become economically richer / more independent. so i could not see how we could do it now ...
ReplyDeleteYou know 1991 should have been a restart to all the Eritrean & Ethiopian people, and as Eritrean we saw it as a new page, a new start not just for the Eritrean and Ethiopian people but also for the horn as well as
the whole Africa. However, there is no longer trust from the Eritrea side, towards you after all ‘trick me once, I’m a fool however trick me twice then its you that’s the fool’
Cursed Rat do you think I get paid like you to be at Madote 24/7/365 of the year? Mr HotAirnautical I understand there is no much work as a failed aeronautical engineer this days, as shown by the fact that you’re here all day - to so called travel to Eritrea 3 / 4 times… but others have a life. I
ReplyDeletecan’t believe how much of a bullshiter you’re to make this comment. I’ve written to you about two other issues and you still have not replayed back,
although you’re still commenting on those few subjects without any substance. So the fact that you have not replayed means that you agree with me doesn’t it take the value of your points away? You’re a truly cursed individual – true to your blood as a hater you only know how to creates hate, been a liar you only know how to lie, as a hypocrite you only see darkness even choosing to see darkness in a mid day light, ever word that comes out is just hot air, I know what you thinking: I’m a Hot Air Engineer after all ... Eritreanism is not just simply by been born into the blood but also by acting and behaving by its values, yet you never show any Eritrean values you talk about fare play, accountability yet you never up hold your own points and values and concept you talk about you are a simple hypocrite and i would not shad a tears if i saw you dying