Switzerland partners with UNDP to support Eritrea youth
Mr. Gerhard Siegfried, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and Ms. Susan N. Ngongi UNDP Eritrea Resident Representative during the signing of the agreement. ©UNDPEritrea/Elizabeth Mwaniki
Switzerland partners with UNDP to support Eritrea youth
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Switzerland partners with UNDP to support Eritrea youth
Switzerland has signed an agreement with UNDP pledging US$ 2,112,000 (two million, one hundred and twelve thousand US dollars) to support Eritrea youth in skills development. In line with SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth, the skills development, employment and migration project will enhance youth participation in sustainable economic activities and Nation building.
It was signed by Mr. Gerhard Siegfried, Head of East, North & Southern Africa and Occupied Palestinian Territory Division, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) on behalf of the Government of Switzerland and UNDP Eritrea Resident Representative Ms. Susan N. Ngongi on behalf of UNDP.
The project aims to reduce unsafe migration by creating opportunities for young people to pursue their aspirations in the country and by enhancing the Government’s capacity to govern migration to promote safe, regular, and orderly migration opportunities.
Overall the initiatives conceived under this agreement requires US$ 25 million and will be implemented by the National Union of Eritrean Youth and Students (NUEYS) over a period of five years. UNDP has committed US$ 7,783,000 towards the project.
The project adopts a two-pronged strategy of engagement to address employment and migration challenges in collaboration with the Government: on one hand, to gradually increase opportunities for young people in Eritrea by developing their skills, equipping them with start-up capital and mentoring them, and by creating a more enabling business environment. On the other hand, to support the Government in strengthening ongoing initiatives to govern migration by improving the evidence base on its drivers, scope, and impact.
The Swiss contribution complements the ongoing stabilization through youth and women empowerment project supported by the Governments of Norway and Japan. It is implemented in all the six regions of Eritrea and intends to reach a wider target group and expand the scope of training sectors.
Switzerland partners with UNDP to support Eritrea youth
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