TPLF's No-War-No-Peace Strategy Against Eritrea is Crippling Ethiopia
Eritrea's Massawa port - (Credit: Andre Vltchek )
TPLF's no-war-no-peace strategy is crippling Ethiopia
Following the end of Ethiopia's invasion of Eritrea in 2000, the Tigrayan Peoples Liberation Front ( TPLF) opted for a no-war-no-peace (NWNP) strategy to hurt Eritrea's economy, and with it the Eritrean government. It believed if it focused on crippling the Eritrean economy, the people would revolt to topple their government. And amid the political chaos that would ensue, TPLF would come in to set up a puppet government in Asmara or annex the country. At least that's what they thought.
Fifteen years later, it's Ethiopia that's paying a heavy economic price for its misguided policy. Each year, the country is bleeding US$1.2 billion in port fees to Djibouti and other regional ports. In comparison, between 1991-1997, Ethiopia was using Eritrean ports for free before it stubbornly decided to pay Djibouti and other regional ports for the same service.
Moreover, not using Eritrea's ports has made some of Ethiopia's lucrative resources commercially unviable. For instance, the Allana Potash company, the Canadian company formerly selected to develop the potash mine in Ethiopia, pushed the TPLF regime to use Eritrea's port for export. They argued the Eritrean port is only 80 kilometers away from the mine site in Ethiopia. But the Ethiopian government refused. It wanted the exports to go through Djibouti which is 800km away. The company explained that it makes no commercial sense to go through Djibouti. In the end, Allana Potash sold their company at a fraction of their value after struggling to secure funds from investors, and now Ethiopia is out on tens of billions of dollars in potential potash sales because of its stubborn policy.
Perhaps the most devastating aspect of the NWNP policy is the health issues it's causing on Ethiopians. According to the Associated Press, 80% of Ethiopians suffer from iodine deficiency, an essential nutrient that was readily available from Eritrea until the 1998-2000 war halted all trade between the countries. Consequently, 50,000 Ethiopians are dying from this easily preventable disease each year, while millions more are suffering from irreversible effects ranging from deafness, speech defects, goiters, learning disorders and brain damage.
But this abnormal policy might be coming to an end. Last April, during the Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue, Yemane Gheberab, the Presidential Adviser and Head of Political Affairs for the ruling PFDJ, believes Ethiopia's NWNP strategy will not continue for long. He said:
The Ethiopians have been thinking in the past that if they resist and continue to put pressure on Eritrea - political, economic, military, diplomatic - including with support from the United States -then the Eritrean government would collapse. They've also been saying, "Eritreans are leaving their country anyway so there will be no army to defend Eritrea. And when all the Eritrean young people desert then we can walk into Eritrea, we don't even have to fight." This is what the previous Ethiopian prime minister said at one time. But this has not happened. It has not taken place. I believe the Ethiopians are now realizing that Eritrea is not going to collapse. In fact, the opposite is happening. Eritrea is becoming stronger now. And so, I believe they are re-thinking their situation. And my assessment is this abnormal situation will not continue for long. I believe when we talk about 3-5 years in Eritrea, we're also envisioning the end of this conflict between Eritrea and Ethiopia at that time period.In the end, history will look back at the NWNP as a tragic period of lost opportunity for Ethiopia. Although this strategy was intended to strangle Eritrea's economy and cause political chaos, what it ultimately achieved was the suffering of millions of Ethiopians.
Ethiopia's potash can only be commercially viable if its exported through Eritrea's ports
TPLF's No-War-No-Peace Strategy Against Eritrea is Crippling Ethiopia
Reviewed by Admin
3:19 PM

Not to mention, the 80,000 bright Eritrean the TPLF kicked out of Ethiopia during the 1998-2000 and confiscated $800+ Million ($1.2 Billion today) plus other assets owned by Eritreans not accounted for. But the biggest loss wasn't the monetary value, it was the biggest brain drain Ethiopia have ever faced in their country. We're talking about 80K of the smartest business merchants who controlled and managed close to 40% of the businesses in Ethiopia at the time.
ReplyDeleteEritreans in Ethiopia prior to 2000 were what the American Jews are in the United States. We dominated majority of the important fields. Until we had some envious short legged cousin (woyanes) who wanted to own our success story and threw us under the bus back to Eritrea.
History will repeat itself.
Ethio gov.'s goal is to turn Tigrai's capital Mekelle into a industrial hub in the country in the near future. Let's just say this works out well... who in their right mind (businessman investors) would transport the finished good down to south and back to Djibouti port via new proposed rail line (ESPECIALLY WHEN IT'S GOING TO EURO MARKETS - WHICH 80% CHANCE WILL). We're talking about a big markup on margin on transportation cost plus inefficient travel routes.
ReplyDeleteJust think about it:
Mekele ----> Awash = 700KM (Unnecessary, Wasted Cost)
Awash ----> Djibouti = 670KM (Unnecessary, Wasted Cost)
Mekele to Massawa ----> Sudan = 1,700KM (Unnecessary, Wasted Cost)
Assab ----> Massawa = 455KM (Ship captain, "Let's go back north boys" where we should of been 20hrs ago :-) darn TPLF Darn them!!"
Ethiopia knows it's losing massive potential from FDI going to northern Ethiopia due to the No War No Peace situation. The only way they could resolve this is to use not only Massawa and other Eritrean ports as a way to attract investment in strategic region.
Yes. the 80,000 super human Eritreans were sent back home to Eritrea. Why are they not using their genius brains to catapult Eritrea into a world Super Power? They have been festering in Eritrea since 1998 - 17 years and counting now. What are they waiting for? Without these 80,000 bright Eritreans, the Ethiopian economy is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and Ethiopia is slated to become a middle income country within the next 10 years. These are facts asserted by the World Bank and the IMF - unlike most of the garbage that is pulled out of your crazy asses and posted in this forum. So, how can this be? How can, according to you with no bright Ethiopians in existence and all the bright Eritreans gone, Ethiopia achieve such feats?
ReplyDeleteAlso, if the Ethiopian Potash project has been abandoned because without the use of Eritrean ports it is not commercially viable, why is there a port being built at Tadjoura and an electric train tracks being installed from the mines and beyond deep into Ethiopia to the Tadjoura port? Also, why are the other neighboring countries - Sudan (with Port Sudan and Suakin), Somaliland (with Berbera) and Kenya (with Mombasa) are all lining up and enhancing or building from scratch infrastructures such as all weather roads, rail roads and carrying out port expansions, to compete for Ethiopia's fast growing and increasingly export oriented economy? - While Eritrea's ports sit idle, rusting and becoming technologically outdated - because no one has any use for the Eritrean ports but Ethiopia. Ethiopia decided not to use Assab and Massawa so they both wither and die while other regional ports grow and thrive. Just a reality check for you to chew on...
ReplyDeleteOR, send it through Massawa or Assab then the goods can be confiscated by erratic Eritrean government
ReplyDeleteExplain? Confiscated or looting is not in the Eritrean history. It was the other way around. Assab and Massawa was always duty-free for Ethiopians until you broke that trust. Now your $1.2Billion is going to Khat addicts population... what a meaningful way to fund the people there. Sad sad...
ReplyDeleteNone of all East African governments have clean record in their system of governance. In fact, they are immersed in corruption,rigged elections, sophisticated suppression,highly orchestrated mass killings, kidnappings,depriving their people the very basic rights, human trafficking, re-writing constitutions to extend their terms, staying in power for decades or till they die, monopolizing every small and big business, terrorizing and polarizing their people with external or internal virtual enemies, starting wars and conflicts to keep the population preoccupied with survival mode, enriching family members and cronies...the list goes on and on. So, I am not surprised with this article showing that "Other neighboring country is doing worse than us" analysis. Every moment any of these regimes are singled out for their notorious acts or behavior, they will respond with the utmost fierceness that they are less worse than the worst next door; they have jailed less than their neighbor; have been in power less decades than their neighbor; every time an issue is raised to point a violation of basic human rights on their own people, they will say "Look at the snots and Buger the other dictator has on his face, I have less it is not as bad...etc". Thanks
ReplyDeleteWe have one here.
ReplyDeleteI love this guy....Did you say ''these are facts asserted by the WB and the IMF''?
ReplyDeleteThat incurable inferiority complex of yours always rears its ugly face whenever you try hard to present the testament of the ferenjis as proof of your success....By the same logic then it's safe to say 'Ethiopia is a democracy....and it's getting better and better every time there is an election'. And true to your illiterates IQ, they didn't disappoint Ms Sherman- 100% win.
BTW, if a tree falls in the forest and if there is no IMF or WB or BBC or report, did the tree really fall?
When i see deeply for long time there is similarity of Iran and Eritrea, When Iran launching nuclear site immediately announces to "eliminate Israel from the world map" before 5 years completion of the atomic plant project. that's why the International community pressure impose in Iran currently. If the Allan potash project connecting with Massawa probably only 250 km road transportation is the same cost to 600 km Tadjura/Djibouti by electrical efficiency rail way, but if Ethiopian GVt planned to launch electrical rail way to Massawa how is the guarantee of this potash project running peacefully for 30 years? according of the aggression of Isayass????
ReplyDelete1,the truth is TPLF/Ethiopia is not first invader of Bademe .just say the truth on public to find the real solution, 2. Allana's reason to sell the bond is not only the matter of the transportation for export, the next year of the potash price will be decrease too,
The first kicked citizens are Ethiopians from Massawa in 1990 and Asmara in 1991,
so the similarity emotion of Iran with Eritrea is that i saw before Isayas was always emotional to gain his willing by force. if so how can Ethiopia/TPLF can deal that much with Isayas's administration? second the bad credit of Isayas, most Ethiopians is not willing to work in Eritrea at all even if Ethiopian regime is agree with Isayas/Shaebia, because of some points to mention.
the massacre of Dergue captive soldiers against the International convention,
the blocked of famine aide to Tigrai
for bombing children in Aider,
the kicking out of Ethiopians from Asmara and Massawa with agly harrasment,
even if EPRDF is silent all of these points but still in the mind of most Ethiopians, so come to truth with guarantee and good deal on forgiveness.......
Do you know Woyane have not even finished counting the election results ... Ms Sherman expect the results are likely to be bumped to 110% win in favor of Weyane.
ReplyDeleteDogali Chiri'eu
ReplyDeleteYou are the funniest economy analyst in contemporary Entichow. You said, Ethiopia economy is one of the fastest growing in the world.Lol !!!! If you think the increasing number of poor people in Ethiopia who scavenge from the dumpster is an economic growth, I would recommend you to cleanse your filth thought for two weeks in Debri Damo. Then we can discuss real economic growth Eri vs Ethio.
This victim mentality is so well played by you cowards. Victim victim victim.
ReplyDeleteAssab and Massawa Port water is for camel driniking purpose. That is why the writer crying everyday. For Ethiopia the No war No peace policy is best. If we have money we can get any service from othe country.
ReplyDeleteThis is the new Ethiopian commercial bank building that is going to be built in addis. not everything is lost in Ethiopia.
ReplyDeleteIlliterates IQ, lol. I never envisioned that even the most delusional Eritrean regime supporters would make such a ignorant statement. This despite your 'high' IQ, which is a result no doubt from the 50 years of colonization by the civilized Italians. If only Ethiopians could turn back the clock and not fight at Adwa but surrender to the Italians like the bandas north of Mereb did when the ferenjis arrived to steal, plunder and oppress, oops I meant to civilize.
ReplyDeleteThis phenomena where blacks not only look down on other blacks, but look up to whites who oppressed them is not unique to Eritrean regime supporters you know. I remember a documentary about Haiti and the Dominican Republic, where the people of the DR looked down on the Haitians since they were more African and worse than that, they had the audacity to kick out the French and anyone siding with them during their independence war. It was shocking to see the similarities with you poor souls. Another place is Ivory Coast and Liberia. The Ivorians felt superior since they were colonized by the French for a long time and the French brought 'Civilization' to the Ivory Coast whereas the Liberians did not have that 'privilege'. Ever since then, there has been a false feeling of superiority towards the non-colonized and a Stockholm syndrome of the colonized towards its former oppressor. Same for the Eritrean regime supporters A false feeling of superiority towards Ethiopians and a feeling of sympathy and fond memory towards the colonizing Italians. Gee if only the Italians would have stayed a few years longer, they could have designed another piccolo Roma, or built the railway line all the way to the Sudanese border for you guys. I'm sure their 'gifted' architects would transfer their knowledge to you guys even though Eritreans were not allowed to learn past grade four.
No war no peace is here to stay for a long, long time. Just reading the desperation of people like you, is a clear indication that the strategy is the right one.
Y said what is in yr mind! Writing about the development of Ethiopia in this site was really to make us 'enkuluchoche!. Good yr late Prime Minister motto was this. I am glad y r yrself. Y ve showed when y looted Eritreans property initially. Y ve looted our money. Not our mind. Let us wait and see. Y don't know yr name 'Tareke bacheru'.
ReplyDeleteIf your wishes come true, you will be left by yourself on, just like the tyrant in Asmera, you will debate with yourself and win every time. Kim, Issayas, Mugabe...etc, always win in their arguments on every issue they want to "Discuss" with their YES men cabinet meeting, for no one dares to challenge the "Leader". The last time someone tried, Kim used an antiaircraft gun to finish him off, (True story took place recently). The moral of the story is "Learn to debate, present your case with facts to counter, don't be trigger-happy every time hear a different viewpoint, when we all think alike we are in trouble heading for disaster. Thanks
ReplyDeleteY r right. Victim and revenge are behavior of narow mindedness. We let our advancement and show to the world that the commission report is totally absurd. We went to court and showed our trustworthiness.
ReplyDeleteThe more you whine about the no war no peace strategy the more evidence it is to us that its working just fine. Good luck to you guys, just keep Ethiopia out of your thoughts, because believe me, we have forgotten about that nuisance called Eritrea long time ago. Amazing what a decade of no war no peace and a few years of sanctions can do. Isolated, irrelevant and whining. That is how the regime in Asmara can be best described these days.
ReplyDeletewhy do you play victim? it is not a good sign of health...i suggest you start to see a shrink ASAP. I am serious!
ReplyDeletewow wow the hate on this man it is for your own sake because for hate makes you sick.BTW thats is exactly what your types in 4 kilo planned, it is fine go a head and pay and pa and for Eritrea we are shining in our own pace...not because china build a road but Eritreans...not because china build infrustracture but Eritreans! have ever asked where all the money comes from? Bank of china...debt! bank...debt! the rest comes from the US and UK, while i wish Ethiopia well and prosperous future don't come here and brag most of us here including many Ethiopians know the so called "development based on debt" good luck to your future and guess what once the relationship with the two countries start again...(BTW you can die from the hate as it will happen in your life time mark my word) all the Chinese debt will be paid for no reason as Ethiopia will start to use Assab again because commercially it is nonsense to rely on Djibouty---when business boom economics rules but hate clouded dumb ass brain likes your can't handle it........the saga....!
ReplyDeleteHey etho ppl abebe, solomon & be ewnetu, Dont think eritreans want to be called ethiopians after being called Eritreans once and for all with 99.8% vote. And dont underestmate shabia coz Shabia made you the most land locked country in the world with highest poplation google it. Whats happening in ethiopia we know it just like our palm hand. The rail to djoubti to makele is credit from india & in side addis from china. Cement factory from nigeria rich man even though your PM was in the opening as if he made it from his pocket. This year your 11 billion budget 4 billion from USA the only thing you tried on your self is GEDB & that one stoped coz lack of fund while ur late crime minister said it will go 24/7. Indian investers in agri most of them are goin out coz they couldnt sell thire grain they said they tried house to house. Only few are benefiting from what u call double digit & only addis with mekele booming ur government doesnt care about the rest unlike shabia which wark for all eritreas economy is its potential. If you think we are waiting for you to come back you are wrong. And your population is fast and furious than your economy. Haha
ReplyDeleteYou right, I am the one from the victim include my family. I grow up in Asmara/combishtato, and i also know well deeply the history of EPLF. TPLF and Dergue.....I'm not commentting emotional.... by the way the money expense for Djibouti port is always come back to Ethiopia, by Chat. fruit. coffee etc... if we spent in Massawa will go to Russia to buy weapon.....
ReplyDeleteJealous much, Kulu??
ReplyDeleteNo Ethiopia is not playing victim. It is Eritrea that has been howling at the moon like a mad dog about being a victim. Ethiopians and Ethiopia have moved on. No one is interested in Massawa and Assab. No one mentions either of the Eritrean ports. Only Eritreans are howling at the moon about the importance of their ports. Get it right. 80,000 Eritreans were deported from Ethiopia and Ethiopia has every right to do so. And the remaining 80,000 Eritreans residing in Ethiopia plus the nearly 200,000 and growing refugees languising in refugee camps in Northern Ethiopia are all deportable. And Ethiopia will deport them if she wishes to do so. It is within Ethiopia's legal right to deport any foreigner that Ethiopia decides is no longer welcome to live and/or work in Ethiopia. There's nothing you can say or do about it. Period.
ReplyDeleteWell that was an intellectual response. Clearly you're not a member of the 80,000 deported smartest Eritreans.
ReplyDeleteDogoli, when Ethiopia cutted from its nack the head stayed in North. Coz you bleave IMF &World bank read since 1991 Eritreas GDP went 8 times fold, followed by Sudan 5 times & Ethiopia 3 times in east Africa ok just read. Its not the money for example Djubiti this time gets the highest fund in east Africa around $11 Billion from japan, china, france & Usa. With population of 800,000 ppl but if you see the economy still down the same like hole Africa so its only Knowing how to play the cards.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you talk about Eritrea's latest elections? How about the growing economy of Eritrea? Lets discuss that. Quote for me World Bank, IMF or any other established world institution's publications on the conditions of the Eritrean economy. Go ahead.. I'm all ears.
ReplyDeleteWhen will Shabeia start counting the Eritrean election results?
ReplyDeleteAssab is a dead port. It is rusted out and out-dated. It would take billions of dollars to convert Assab into a state-of-the-art port facility that will be able to compete with the likes of Djibouti, Mombasa or the soon to be built Lamu port in Kenya. Who do you think will pay for Assab's upgrade? There is no reason for Ethiopia to use Assab when the likes of Djibouti (all weather road and electrified rail tracks), Tadjoura (newly expanded port with electrified rail tracks to Ethiopia), Berbera (newly built all weather road to Ethiopia), on and on and on.... neighboring countries are bending over backwards to compete for Ethiopia's export business. Eritrea has no place in this competition. In 1998, Eritrea bit the hand that fed her. Now she's paying for it dearly. Blame your stupid, egotistical, and short-sighted, King Issayas Afworki for your misfortunes. Don't look at Ethiopia.
ReplyDelete"According to the Associated Press, 80% of Ethiopians suffer from iodine deficiency, an essential nutrient that was readily available from Eritrea until the 1998-2000 war halted all trade between the countries. Consequently, 50,000 Ethiopians are dying from this easily preventable disease each year, while millions more are suffering from irreversible effects ranging from deafness, speech defects, goiters, learning disorders and brain damage."
ReplyDeleteThis is a blessing for woyane, becuz they want the Ethio-pple to suffer. and about the port- we don't need this thugs..we're building our country we don't have for this pple, let woyane pay billions to Djibouti and suffer until they can't take it anymore. besides woyane-tigray is crumbling from the inside, we will see the Ethio-pple will eat them alive. the funny thing is Tigraians are now been hated by everybody in Ethiopia becuz of woyane selfish act. this is very dangerous situation for Tigray. :)
No Dogali, I love ethiopia & its ppl. I just feel bad when i see the ethiopian government is not working for the interest of all his ppl equally. By giving investers fertile land by removing his own ppl & killing his own ppl emagine. Sending to war inocent ethios who have no idea of whats happening, otherwise your Good is our Good. I like ur respect i was expecting bad words.
ReplyDeleteIlliterates IQ lol. I never envisioned that even the most delusional Eritrean regime supporters would make such a ignorant statement. I realize the no war no peace situation is driving you mad but it's here to stay.
ReplyDeleteSuch an ignorant statement despite your 'high' IQ, which is a result no doubt from the 50 years of colonization by the civilized Italians. If only Ethiopians could turn back the clock and not fight at Adwa but surrender to the Italians like the bandas north of Mereb did when the white man arrived to steal, plunder and oppress, oops I meant to civilize.
This phenomena where blacks not only look down on other blacks, but look up to whites who oppressed them is not unique to Eritrean regime supporters you know. I remember a documentary about Haiti and the Dominican Republic, where the people of the DR looked down on the Haitians since they were more African and worse than that, they had the audacity to kick out the French and anyone siding with them during their independence war. It was shocking to see the similarities with you guys. Another place is Ivory Coast and Liberia. The Ivorians felt superior since they were colonized by the French for a long time and the French brought 'Civilization' to the Ivory Coast whereas the Liberians did not have that 'privilege'. Ever since then, there has been a false feeling of superiority towards the non-colonized and a Stockholm syndrome of the colonized towards its former oppressor. Same for the Eritrean regime supporters A false feeling of superiority towards Ethiopians and a feeling of sympathy and fond memory towards the colonizing Italians. Gee if only the Italians would have stayed a few years longer, they could have designed another piccolo Roma, or built the railway line all the way to the Sudanese border for you guys. I'm sure their 'gifted' architects would transfer their knowledge to you guys even though Eritreans were not allowed to learn past grade four.
The truth is that it's hurting both countries. Who is hurting the most is difficult to say, since Assab hasn't seen Ethiopian cargo for a long time now and I guess there would be considerable investments required in the port before Ethiopia would want to use it. Still for their mining industry (as shown by the map), Eritrean ports would be more beneficial. Furthermore the Northern Ethiopia (Tigray, Afar and parts of Amhara region) would benefit the most from an open Eritrean Ethiopian border. I hope Yemane Ghebreabs words are true and we see normalization within a few years. I wonder however how he comes to this conclusion. If the Ethiopians have been going on with this no war no peace policy for the last 13 years, why would they not continue this policy for another x amount of years.
ReplyDelete"There was and perhaps still is a negative psychological element to the relationship, at least for Ethiopia’s Tigrayans who live on the other side of the Eritrean border. Many Tigrayans believed that the more highly educated Eritreans with their experience of Italian colonialism looked down on Tigrayans.''
ReplyDeleteDavid Shinn (Time to Bring Eritrea in from the Cold (But It’s Harder than It Sounds)
Please don't prove him right!
Ethiopia paying $1.2 Billion for port services to Djibouti? The question for what kind of port services.
ReplyDeleteJust like Addis Ababa, here is Djibouti which is addicted Chat, . From the President of Djibouti, to house wives, and to port employees, Djibouti is gone to chew "CHAT" from 11 AM to 4PM every day. Between these time interval, Djibouti is at "standstill" and Djibouti is in another dream world of hallucination; all dazed, sedated, and tranquilized. When this is happening every day, the Ethiopian import/export goods are left rot in the 110 F temperature. Yet Ethiopia is paying $1.2 Billion a year for this service.
That is not all. even the Ethiopian truck drivers are expected to pay in "dollars" for their hotel accommodations and food while they are to wait and wait and wait for their trucks to be loaded by "Chat-Addicted" Djibouti port employees. That is what you got and that is what you will get.
If Ethiopia are happy paying $1.2 Billion for these kind of services, then go ahead and make our day we sure like to see this continue.
When this is happening, what is happening from within Ethiopia. To have feel of what is happening from within Ethiopia, just take a look at this video clip straight from Addis Ababa,
For God sake, let them travel through entire Africa carrying their potash to nowhere. We DONOT repeat DONOT let these evil people use our port NEVER and EVER !
ReplyDelete"SAIBELAH TAKALEH" so what? Is that eally your worry? Whom are you telling? Ethiopia knows what is good for its people;it looks you are jealous because you lost 1.2 billion a year. Blame the unpredictable luanatic dictator for everything happening in the horn.
ReplyDeleteYou have all the right to say so because these people sound as if they begging agames to use our ports. Never seen such foolish act. After all the suffering, Eritrean people is not willing to negotiate with woyane. No No !
ReplyDeleteSo sentimental .......
ReplyDeleteAre you out of your mind? If woyane let the Eritreans develop Ethiopia, tgray people at the time had no any say, the people of Ethiopia hated them and what they had to do is kick out all Eritreans and force the Ethiopans respect tgrayans by the barrel of a gun. Kicking Eritreans out of Ethiopia was planned years before.
ReplyDeleteYou have all the right to say so PROUDLY. Not your fault. I would have left you to come and ask me rather than ask you to learn from your mistakes and show you the right way to solve your problem.
ReplyDeleteMore highly educated Eritreans lol. I guess learning until grade four can be seen as more highly educated. Just like I imagined, another eritrean with stockholm syndrome.
ReplyDeletePoor mammoqilo. Truth hurts doesn't it. Just remember that the no war no peace strategy is here to stay for a long, long time. If Ethiopia is able to carry out this policy for the last 13 years, what makes you think that it wont continue for another 13 years? Neither David Shinn nor any other 'ferenji' will bring you in from the cold. Just to give you one example of the foolishness of your tyrant. The fool decided in 2007 to suspend Eritrea's membership from IGAD. When he realized his mistake and the fact that he needs IGAD more than IGAD needs the Eritrean regime, he begged to be readmitted. To this date, the tyrants plea has fallen on deaf ears. That's the cold Eritrea is in.
Sanctions, isolation, bad relations with two of the three neighboring countries of Eritrea, not able to 're-activate' its membership of a regional body it decided to leave by own choice. The end is not in sight mammobanda. Just keep hoping that 'ferenjis' like Shinn will come to your rescue.
"Ethiopia knows what is good for its people". Please tell me and show me how can forging for their daily bread from "sanitary landfill" is good for your people. Please sit down just for moment and watch your brothers and sisters forging from Addis Ababa sanitary landfill. Please, cool down and just see it.
Ethiopia has to choose to travel 100km with known and certain outcome or 2km with a lot of unknowns that could spark conflict, trade barriers. Eritrea from the get go was planning to use its port to force Ethiopia to get what Eritrea wants from Ethiopia. It is a hostage taking kind of situation. If Ethiopia depends on Eritrea for anything, Eritrea would use that leverage to enforce its will on Ethiopia. Since the two countries are symmetrically so different in natural resources and economic power Eritrea always need some kind of leverage to coexist with Ethiopia. Otherwise, Ethiopia can just ignore and forget Eritrea and life goes as normal in Ethiopia. All of these political bickering from Eritrea of supporting oppositions and some terrorist elements against Ethiopia is the nature of Eritrea's desire to build up some kind of leverage over Ethiopia, nothing else. For Ethiopia, regardless of which port Ethiopia uses depending only on one port is not politically sound. Ethiopia should develop all ports in all neighboring countries for use. I think the strategy the government is setting in this regard is economically sound, politically safe, security wise sustainable. The fee Ethiopia paying for port usage is faire and the choice which port to use from Ethiopia part is safe. For the potash transportation Ethiopia is going to build a railway track going from the plant to Djibouti corridor directly to the port.
ReplyDeleteWe are just fine with what we are doing. You are complaining on behave of Ethiopia what Ethiopia is losing to point out what Eritrea could have gotten if relationship between the two countries could have been normal. We, Ethiopians, are not worried about using the Eritrean ports and the missed opportunities for not doing so. You are the one indicating why Ethiopia is not using your port, therefore you are not worried about Ethiopia but worried about Eritrea. If the Eritrean government was making the best out of these ports today, Eritrea and Eritreans would not even discuses how Ethiopia is losing by not using your port. Right now, Eritrea is not optimizing using these ports that is the only reason your concern revolving around. We, Ethiopians, are prepared to incur initial cost in order to secure reliable service, not to be victimized because of our port needs. If there is business loss because of port it is Eritrea. Eritrea is the one holding the asset. Ethiopia is not worried about lost business from Eritrea. If you want to address lost business for Eritrea it is1.2 billion dollar question. Ethiopia is going to use all ports in the neighboring countries if the price is right and the business set up is safe. Ethiopian government's policy in this regard will protect Ethiopia from being a victim, will provide political flexibility, create price completion, provides proximity based service use. Therefore, the Ethiopian government policy of developing all neighboring countries' ports is a good strategy
ReplyDeleteSo now u are Replying to yourself poor poor Erty. Ha-ha-ha...
ReplyDeleteBe ewenetu Erty same person talking to its self. LOL...
hawi55 u are talking to Erty. Be ewneru is Erty. LOL
ReplyDeleteThis Erty dude is desperate man. Ha-ha-ha...
Let me tell you a real hapenning. It was before independent. Lots of materials were ordered through Assab and when the independence was real it was reorder to be sent through DJ. It was then I realized 'wuha keda wuha melese' situation. I tell y openly I didn't understand what deportation means until I saw the first round deportees. They were rich some of them running private business and well to do. It didn't take time yr officials to loot from the store of one of the rich person. This is a real story. It was not only looting. They immediately took over their houses and sold it. Some of the houses are sold to 20 people. It is not what y said should be really scrutnized but I want to tell you history repeat itself. This looting business started a long time ago. The Italians, Greeks, Yemenis properties were looted. The same with Haileselassie and Dereg regiem. Just try to analyze how many times we make mistakes accusing each other. Let us be fair and see things to balance. I heard from a prominent man saying 'balanced judgement'. I wish if this scapegoating and the interference of outsiders outlook balanced and us be ourselves and every one of us do our homework!
ReplyDeleteCome on it is not a matter of begging. It is reminding them that this has been calculated a long time a go to hamper the unity and sovernighty and wanted to return back Eritrea by making the sanction etc so we regret of our decision.
ReplyDeleteWe should always think of the ground reality how the Ethiopians tried to use all means of intrigues. The understanding of working together is advancement and not begging. The world is small these days because of the advanced technology. No war no peace is not normal bewtween neigboring countries.
Also why is always the same nagging? Why was the downfall of Hailesellassie regiem and the Dereg similar? The attitude of the present is no better. I wonder!
ReplyDeleteBefore 1998 war iodized salt was imported from Ethiopia, from factories built in Eritrea before Eritrea independence. If there is enough iodized slat in Eritrea thanks to Ethiopia for building those factories. Ethiopia was the first country in sub-Saharan countries to start salt iodization in 1980 and was reaching universal level. If Ethiopia had a problem of iodine deficiency it was not for lack of planning but in change of circumstances. The only mistake Ethiopia made was building all salt factories in one unstable region. If you are bragging about anything in Eritrea think again.
ReplyDeleteNow, your associated press quote is 7 years old. Is Ethiopia still facing the same problem? Let me answer this question for you. Ethiopia built 10 iodine salt vitalizing factories in Tigray region alone in the last 5 years. The Ethiopian department of health imitated a national iodized salt program.
The council of ministers passed new salt legislation in February 2011, in January 2012 the law has been enforced. Avery recent survey, October 25 2014 found that Ethiopia has achieved 88.8% national level iodized salt consumption.
Let me give you regional data;
Tigray 92.90%
Afar 80.40%
Amhara 92.70%
Oromia 83.80
Somalia 80.20%
BG 95.50%
SNNP 80.90%
Hareri 96.60%
AA 86.10%
DD 94.0%
Ethiopia produces 90-95% of its salt consumption. Most likely in the second GTP period Ethiopia would reach universal iodized consumption rate and start exporting. We have to just build few factories and enforce all laws in regard to this problem.
Your are so "smart". You just assume things that can be easily verifiable. We are on-line not in Eritrea bushes. There is what is called ID protocol.
ReplyDeleteYou are not talking to people born yesterday...if anything Ethiopia/derg lootemachineries and factories colonials left ppease stop your nonsense. ..damn!
ReplyDeleteThey did not take enough.
ReplyDeleteYo! dummy the water is not for human consumption!
ReplyDeleteIt is because Eritreans did not behave like Ethiopian. All Eritreans contributed money for Eritrea independence cause to support a fighting. Eritreans were working in Ethiopia but helping Eritrean fighters. In any country if he/she tries to hurt the country where that person lives the individual would be put in prison or deported. Deporting for Ethiopia was economically viable. Eritreans who supported Eritrea when Ethiopia was in war with Eritrea were criminals. A criminal has no any right let alone a property right. For anyone who is collaborating with Ethiopia's enemies while living and working in Ethiopia thinking business would be as usual is the wrong approached. For the most part Eritrean always wanted a separate rule for Eritreans above and beyond the norm. Eritreans made the choice to be ripped of their properties when they choice to defend and stand by their country when Ethiopia was at war with Eritrea. We see all over the world of asset freezes and confiscation by government of different countries for individuals improper political participation. Ethiopia and Eritrea case in this regard is not different, let us move on.
ReplyDeleteAs I said above the so "smart" politicians thought Eritrea will disintegrate and the Ethiopia will do what it wants but that ain't happening as history is a witness Eritreans are always behind thier country and can see danger froma mile away it is in our keep on blabbering about Assab however the overall objective of the policy which was designed by the USA to impose sanction on the people of Eritrea so may Ethiopia take advantage of the weak Eritrea is now letsove on.
ReplyDeleteYou seem to be oblivious as to what happens in your own backyard. .you see you government commissioned a foreign company to analyze thecountry's future logistic capacity and its implications on growth....guess what they came up with? Guessed it right Eritrea comes to the picture cos it is simple logic..while the analysis concluded having multiple access is beneficial to Ethiopia it is a "no brainer" Ethiopia will use Eritrean your life time to i wish I could see the face of haters like when that your hatred based analysis is useless in the face of future mutual benefit of the two nations what will happen is you will disolv in your own hatfull little world while the world shine.
What type of person are you? Wow I am glad not all Ethiopians are like you backward! I have many Ethiopian friends but none as backward and nonsense of a old are you? you must be the ruminant of the last century.
ReplyDeleteYour shamless lies have no boundries ! It seems you find it quite easy to pull out " statistical figures" out of your Eri a** to justify your ego and and feel good about yourself.. It is amazing to see the sheer amount of people with donkey brains.
ReplyDeleteYea not anymore my friend not anymore!
ReplyDeletePlease avoid using pics like the first one., please remove the one pic above, thank you.
ReplyDeleteLook here man you can try to twist the truth about your country's historical shortcomings and blame the whole Eritrea for being " delusional" and with "superiority" complex is just shows your view is based on your hatred for Eritreans.
ReplyDeleteWhile the likes of you live in your own make believe world and keep on shouting sanction because Isayas is this and Isayas is that Eritreans who suffer notice.....
You try belittle Eritreans for having the so called "Stockholm syndrome" I bet you you know again the term itself is coined to devide Africans .....but yet you are falling in the same trap when you accuse of Eritreans and BTW it has been long that majority Eritreans don't even know what youbare talking about let alone having "fond memories" you show your age and the likes of are few and far apart.
You say the regime supporters..obvious you are some type of weyane cadre or a " support er" would say you are delusional?
Eritreans in general regime supporters or not don't have animosity or "superiority complex" but it is in your own make belive world. As for no peace no war policy what can I say keep it up! We are here to stay and make sure that Eritrea prevail. ..and aint nothing the like of you ca do to stop it....
Mana, it is flatterring for a woyane to be called Ethiopian, so call 'em the name they respond to and put them in their right place. No one even a woyane mom likes them and genuine ethiopians are dissociating with them let alone look at them as equals. The woyane dilemma is that they know not where they belong and deep down they know their very existence is dependent upon the good will and kindness of their much envied and dignified Eritrean people, that's why the come here 24/7 and scavenge as much as they can as to appear versed and upto date on current and contemporary issues. The sad fact however is,they never come up with something original and believe and accept bragging on a donated wheat how many/much bread they can bake. You are indeed right no one would want let alone come close to them, even touch them with a six feet stick-this is done when one encounters a rotting remain of a road kill, no one wants to come near it.
ReplyDeleteWhy they are so obsessed with us is as obvious as anyones guess, even the lil' frog was at times lost when Eritrea or the leadership had completely ignored the noise from down and under. Like I said, we are their source of civility and anything and everything we naturally are they want and they wanna become.
Ugumish as they are known may be world wide by now, have burnt the bridge before making it to the other side, and all this we don't need your ports is cause they can't have it. Again the sour grapes....
Agreed! Good point.
ReplyDeleteIf that is the case, why begging them to do so? If it was for me, I do not want to see any agame even as REFA'E (their original work in Eritrea) as before. These people made more harm to our people since decades starting from their forefathers. We should teach our young generation not to trust any agame or come closer to agame. They are too poisonous to trust. Those gullible who dance inside HIV infested woyane trap should blame themselves. If they were smart enough they would have made it to somewhere else. But trusting woyane, they are presently dancing with them and their end is so ugly, as we notice all the suffering of runouts voyage through the polluted camps of tgray to no trace. Lots of suffering is to still come for those who remain on woyane trap. Nothing good is expected from evil neighbors. Stay tunned.
ReplyDeletePorco! Translate pls? Did I miss something profound? What's happening in the horn?
ReplyDeleteWe're not begging, it's the authors analysis. I agree let them roam around the world and live with it. Like I said woyane is not ethiops and vice versa. Aydanen, Ewe AdEy KeyRekebku!
ReplyDelete" And Ethiopia will deport them if she wishes to do so."
ReplyDeleteNEVER! you will lose your USaids dummy haha!!! how will you feed so many kids at the dumpsters?
Mr John., go please ask the ICC how the case against bush/blair is going for the death of 1,000,000 iraq's and counting., and let us also know how that case against the UK and the raping of hundreds of women is going. Spare me your double speak. When the western world holds itself accountable and you talk with an inch of fairness i will take what you have to say with some seriousness. Other wise please save your bullcrap for some other gullible people on this planet. What kinds of stooge mentality teaches you to think like such a "peon"?.
ReplyDeleteThat would only make sense... we are occupied my friend. We don't have the usa to arm us and to feed us usaids.
ReplyDeleteI am glad. I like this kind of discussion. " Deporting for Ethiopia was economically viable." Y ve already set yr mind that everything done then was correct. I am sorry my dear if ones a person set his mind it is difficult to have genuine discussion. What makes it good is it shows who y r. I strongly believe the struggle was to work together and live peacefully without any distiction. Personally I believe many Eritreans have the same feeling. Y didn't answer my question. Why is the trend always the same when a relation between Ethiopia and Eritrea is in a good term? This is the only issue which worries me. We can say money and power are given due consideration but not social factors. Which comes first? I believe human being come first. All your justification is based interms of economy. As y said in other words y wanted initially loot Eritreans property and inorder to build your financial need. As I remember most financially well to do people have taken out their money from Eritrea bank and open business. Some open big industry and the like let alone to hurt Ethiopians.
ReplyDeleteDogali., you seem to really be fed up and disgusted with us Eritreans haha!. Let me give you a solution to your problem. Go to your friends , gather them, then go to your goverment and demand that Ethiopia Great mighty ethiopia that doesn't need Eritrean for nothing or its land. To abide by the final and binding border decision and vacate badme. DONE DEAL. You go that way., and we will go this way. You guys start building a wall from djibouti all the way to the middle and we will build it from the other side to the middle and we met in the middle. We shake hands and say good bye to each other and finish building/closing the rest of the wall. GOOD BYE.
ReplyDeleteHow about that doggy? gtfo of our land and we will even give you some asmara beer. You can't rely on USAIDS for 1 day less my ignorant friend.
Can y explain why y conclude by saying DUMMY?
ReplyDelete"Only Eritreans are howling at the moon about the importance of their ports." If that is not the case why 30 years and now another 24 years war was needed? There is an Amharic proverb 'yelushene balesemash gebeya balewetash'.
ReplyDeleteY see! Our enemies are those who grew up in Eritrea 'bagoresku tenekeseku'. Remember no one who put his hand to Eritrea will live happily. It is just 'wuha keda wuha mellese'. Yeleke wake up and think positive.
ReplyDeletesorry on Eritrea!
ReplyDeleteExactly! Thanks Alec.
ReplyDeleteHmmm, how misinformed the Eritrean people might be to believe this fabricated news. Ethiopian economy is blossoming like no where else in Africa and this author is here to tell us that his Country (Eritrea, The dreamland ;) ) is losing nothing while its people are desperately crossing towards Ethiopia. How economically blind the writer must be not observe Eritrea is missing also $1.2billion each year. Ethiopian economy is not crippling as you tried to put, rather is being project like never before. Where as your little tiny nation is way backward to to feed its people of only 6 million or so. How short sighted Eritreans must be to believe this kind of pity and wicked reporting. Both would benefit if there were peace between these two countries but the no war no peace issue is more crippling Eritrea to the bottom of all measurements, where as Ethiopian Economy is one of the fastest growing Economy in the world. I am sorry for all the Eritrean refugees living in Ethiopia under the internationally community foster care. I don't think that there is a single Ethiopian refugee camp inside Eritrea rather there many military camps for the worthless and useless so called freedom fighters. U LOSING 1.2 BILLION US DOLLAR BABE ;) and oh... how unfortunate is that :(
ReplyDeleteEthiopians are not all aware about how the tigray's minor regime are managing the country, this article is a pure a normal civilized country a leading group like this would resign at the first mandate..shame agame
ReplyDeleteYep, he is so desperate.
ReplyDeleteVerifiable..well Nebsei even someone try to impersonate me, they took ma name...the part of ma name that is in English and with other e-mail..and etc..etc it was so
ReplyDeleteobvious the dumb-shit did it anway, LOL.. anywho.. u can comment with deffernt e-mail or even with same email.. but with a differnt name. it's not rocket science. impressive tho the way they Piggybackin ma IP address.
I know that u are Be ewnetu, its so funny. u even did that in ur tigrayonline...just so u can start something crap about Eritrea... LOL.. u are pathetic man.
"Both would benefit if there were peace between these two countries" the other is bla bla.....
ReplyDelete"human consumption" the logic here is because of the water transportation and the beauty of the sea and the resources inside the sea, many many people have died and perished because of ownership right. As both of us agree with this consept then I want to refer why is now and then nagging the outcome was obvious . No DUMMY!
ReplyDeleteWhat we say here, Agame is losing it because of handouts ! You sound like the begger telling his children "see, I bought a new cloth of the money I snatched from that old woman. Now nobody notice that I been poor, Never ! "
ReplyDeleteHey Jart, denying is wrong ! LOL LOL LOL
By the way chat is one of the most foreign exchange income for Ethiopia. We will send many tones of Chat to Djibute and Somalia and we receive many millons of dolar.
ReplyDeleteWhen we pay for the port they return to for Chat,Electric power ......seto mekebel malet yihe newu
ReplyDeleteNo Tigrian should be allowed to step foot in Eritrea ever again (under no circumstance)!!!