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The Shocking and Barbaric Killing of Innocent Ethiopians in Libya Is disgusting!!

The Shocking and Barbaric Killing of Innocent Ethiopians in Libya Is disgusting!!

Drs. Tsegezab Gebregergis, London, April 21, 2015

I saw a shocking video with utter dismay in which innocent Ethiopians are being massacred by ISIS gangs in Libya out of pure hatred towards Christians in general and Ethiopian Christians in particular. This is a cowardly act for which the democrats and other progressive forces the world over should condemn in the strongest terms.

We must also condemn the equally disturbing and dreadful xenophobic killings by South African gangs in South Africa of their fellow Africans. In my opinion, these are very dangerous new developments which must be firmly opposed by both Christians and Moslems before this negative example spreads to other countries in a form of revenge or retaliatory act.

Moreover, unless the international community takes rigorous action in unison, the consequences of this ugly new development will have very damaging consequences not only for the region where the dastardly killings have taken place, but to the entire world. There is no doubt whatsoever that this vile act which is committed in the name of Islam will remain as a great blot in the conscience of all Moslems the world over.

In the meantime, at this dark moment, Eritreans throughout the world should join our Ethiopian brothers and sisters in the planned worldwide protest demonstrations to condemn the vile act and the killings of innocent Ethiopians in Libya by Moslem fanatics.

Long Live International Solidarity!!

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The Shocking and Barbaric Killing of Innocent Ethiopians in Libya Is disgusting!! Reviewed by Admin on 6:30 AM Rating: 5


  1. It is disgusting to watch this barbaric act. Some Eritreans has confirmed that at least 3 of the victims are Eritreans.

  2. Saying in the name of islam is only a cover, this are an organization of criminals, mercenaries..They need to be un-masked. Sad that in Libya today happen this ugly matter, with Gedafi, wasn't possible. Shame to Nato and it's alies

  3. Remove the cancer that is weyane junta and peace shall prevail in the Horn of Africa.

  4. is bringing Eritrea in to the mix, a way for you to dulling your excruciating pain?


  6. RIP to victims of this horrible injustice.

  7. God is love, compassion, kindness, light, creative energy, peace, and a life force. Isis/l is a force of destruction, evil, vengeance, darkness, and death. Isis/l doesn't serve God/Allah. It doesn't know God. Isis/l uses the name of God to lie and attract its followers. It should be rejected by all people. The deceitful enemy of God is also the enemy of all God's creatures.

  8. Well i wouldn't put them in the same camp maybe halieselassie and mengistsu, but either way the point is if Eritrean refugee's go to the Libya route they will not show them any mercy either. So if only for your own interest it would benefit Eritreans. In short you need to chose your battles bro.

  9. Of the more than 800 victims of yesterday's boat tragedy, 350 are Eritreans. Independence, Assab or badme is not worth this much suffering and tragedy !

  10. Eritrean and Ethiopians in the diaspora are equally responsible for encouraging (sending money) to their siblings, children to immigrate through the desert the sea. Eritrean families are the most selfish parents ever. They consider it a success sending their children abroad (even children as young as 12 or 13). In Eritrea, it is sort of pride to say that one has sent his children to US/Europe. Then those despicable parents expect those kids (who have left without enjoying parental-love and childhood ) to send them money for them to construct villas and live luxary life.

  11. At least three of
    those savagely executed by the terrorist group are said to be Eritreans.

  12. Eritreans dint migrate before 2000, even those sent abroad were proud to return after finishing their studies abroad. All started after around 2001 when things got from bad to worse. Imagine even during the Woyane invasion people stood fast and fought back the aggression. But once the war stopped the youth started to see the true color of Issays and started to abandon him, not to be mixed up with abandoning Eritrea. What do you expect people to do when there is no future in the country for them to start a family and bring food to the table. The endless national service where people are earning 10 dollar per month is forcing people to search for better future somewhere else, even if that means dying when trying. The other option is slow death in Eritrea without any hope of a better future. Even you who is trying to lecture us would do the same, that is the human nature, trying to survive.

  13. More than a century of degradation, misery, hunger and mistreatment has left its indelible mark on these people's psyche. The worst impact, above all, of it though it's robbed their humanity. The level of their disregard to anything sacred is extremely...scary. And what should be resisted by all Eritreans is not to be pulled down into that vortex.

  14. So far 2 Ethiopians from addis are confirmed to be killed and 1 eritrean who was denied entry into Israel and intercepted by ISIs. I think now is the time everyone of all political groups, pro Pfdj, pro eprdf, anti pfdj and anti eprdf get together and do something against these people who have already declared war in our region and at our people. This is a true test of god

  15. It is time to stay put in your home land,there is none worth dying for.

  16. Weyane Tigray = ISISApril 21, 2015 at 5:55 PM

    I am sorry to say but I can't honor Dr. T's call because we have our own ISIS at our border called Weyane Tigray.

  17. I do agree with you Dan....

  18. Whether 3-Eritrean or 4...this's what's going to be the fate of our brothers and sisters in Libya...whether they're Ethiopian or Eritreans, the cruelty of these groups won't have a compassion to anyone...specially to Non-Muslims.

  19. It is really saddening to see those young people being so obsessed about going to Europe/US. The Eritrean guy who was sent to Ugnada was given Asylum in Uganda as per Isreali-Ugandan agreement. He used the 3500$ that he received from Isreali government, and instead of using it to do something in Uganda, he tried to immigrate for the second time through Libya ! Did he think that there is paradise in Europe ? Is this really worth this ?

    Eritrean families are the one to be blamed for all this deaths; they put direct and indirect pressure on their children to risk their lives. Go to Eritrea and listen those despicable parents talk. What you hear is them congratulating each other about this personºs son having reached England, that pesronºs daughter having arrived Norway. They do not for a moment think about what they went through in the process, what type of lives are waiting them in those alien countries.

  20. I do agree with you 100%.

  21. This is from 1990, guys. Shown on C-SPAN. Amazing!!!


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