Is South Sudan Distancing Itself From Ethiopia?
Is South Sudan Distancing Itself From Ethiopia?
It seems South Sudan is attempting to distance itself from Ethiopia of late. On Sunday, 22 March, South Sudan signed bilateral military cooperation with Egypt, following a visit to Cairo by a delegation led by defense minister Kuol Manyang Juuk. The signing comes a week after state-owned News Agency of South Sudan reported Egypt condemned rebel leader Riek Machar and promised to send troops to South Sudan in support of the government.
But why is South Sudan risking its relationship with Ethiopia now? This military agreement with Egypt is certainly going test their relationship, especially with Egyptian leaders threatening military action against Ethiopia over the controversial Renaissance Dam. Perhaps Juba is suspicious Addis Ababa could be supporting Machar's insurgency?
Despite Ethiopia's public support for South Sudan, there are circumstantial evidence and rumors that suggest Ethiopia is arming and funding Machar's insurgency. Within this narrative, South Sudan's military cooperation with Egypt could be interpenetrated as a tit for tat move against Ethiopia. If these allegations are true, then this wouldn't be the first time Ethiopia supported insurgents while claiming they backed a recognized government.
Ethiopia regularly arms, trains and funds Islamist and warlord militant groups in Somalia, all while professing they support the government in Mogadishu. By supporting each side, Ethiopia seeks to permanently keep Somalia in a state of crises so it can continue to milk the international community for military and financial aid. Ethiopia also seeks to use the conflict to deflect attention from its deteriorating human rights issues by presenting itself as a loyal vassal for the West to conduct crises management in the region.
South Sudan's suspicions of Ethiopia's support for Machar is not without merit. Ethiopia is the only country that still maintains close ties with Neur rebel leaders, including Machar. In fact, Ethiopia arms, trains and supports Neur militant groups in the Gambela region against the Anuak ethnic group. Moreover, when South Sudan requested military assistance from Uganda to battle the insurgents, Ethiopia was the only African country that was adamantly opposed to it. The only rational explanation for Addis Ababa's bizarre behavior is they were attempting to favor the odds for Machar's insurgency to succeed.
But it seems Ethiopia's spoiler role in the region has finally caught up with it. South Sudan's military cooperation with Egypt could potentially provide Cairo the legal framework to intervene in Ethiopia under the guise of defending South Sudan from Ethiopian destabilization. With Egyptian troops heading to South Sudan, the Renaissance Dam also becomes within Egypt's combat radius, which is sure to sound alarm bells in Addis Ababa.
Cairo's military cooperation with Juba also gives more credibility to a report from February that alleges Egypt is seeking military defense pacts with Eritrea, Djibouti and Somalia. Based on the countries Egypt is attempting to sign or has signed military agreements with, it appears Egypt's goal is to isolate Ethiopia regionally, something the latter has been attempting to do with Eritrea since 1998, but to no avail.
At any rate, South Sudan's military alliance with Egypt is a pragmatic move that serves both country's national interests. For South Sudan, the military alliance gives the young country access to advanced military equipment and trained troops that can decisively tip the battle in its favor. For Egypt, it gives the legal framework to defend its lifeline, the Nile, by using its defense agreement with South Sudan as a pretext for a possible future intervention against Ethiopia that will almost certainly mean the destruction of the Renaissance Dam.
Related Reading: Eritrea Slams Rebel Leader Riek Machar
Is South Sudan Distancing Itself From Ethiopia?
Reviewed by Admin
1:55 PM

interesting...finally the pharoahs waking up...
ReplyDeleteEgypt's military chief, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, has reportedly formed a new rapid intervention force as he plans to run for president.
ReplyDeleteA new report citing informed military sources on Thursday said that Major General Tawfik Abdel-Samei, head of the Egyptian army’s central command, has been appointed as the head of the military body.
On Wednesday, el-Sisi announced his plan to resign as defense minister in order to officially run for presidency.
According to the report, Sisi and Abdel-Samei have handpicked 10,000 Egyptian commando fighters from the various army units to form a special airborne force.
The special airborne force, equipped with air transport and helicopters, is capable of reaching all parts of Egypt and its operations can be accompanied with tanks, self-propelled artillery and counter-terror measures.
Meanwhile, Sisi has reportedly been receiving colossal support from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates since he seized power last year, including from former Saudi spymaster, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and UAE Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid al Maktoum.
In the domestic front, Sisi enormously relies on the top military elite and the judiciary as the key supporters for his presidential bid.
Egypt has become the scene of violent demonstrations in protest against Sisi’s new decision.
State institutions and media are all geared toward Sisi's candidacy, a situation which undermines the chances of a fair competition for any other candidate.
Egypt's political parties and figures have repeatedly called on the country’s army to stay out of politics.
El-Sisi ousted the country’s first democratically-elected president, Mohamed Morsi, last year, following mass protests against his rule.
The UN Human Rights Council recently expressed concern over the Egyptian security forces’ heavy-handed crackdown and the killing of peaceful anti-government protesters.
According to a UK-based rights group, Amnesty International, 1,400 people have been killed in the political violence since Morsi’s ouster in July last year, "most of them due to excessive force used by security forces."
Who cares?? S. Sudan approaching or distancing Ethiopia ain't going to solve our political, humanitarian and economical problem in our country.
ReplyDeleteI careless on what happen in S Sudan or Ethiopia. I don't think we are in position to solve their problems.
I really feel sorry for eirtreans,something u don't get it and u will never get it ..unless u stop sucking DIA dick...nile blongs to ethiopia ..
ReplyDeleteunless you've other motives, it's quite clear for anyone to see that the Weyanes are getting exposed... at least the real spoiler of the region is been exposed...and that will definitely turn the whole issues..and i'm sure that it'll be benificial for us as eritreans....we've been accused with no proof of been the spoiler of the the world will have everything on the table to see and make a fair judgement.
ReplyDeleteEritrea is so weak every small inconvenience in Ethiopia is a way out from its misery. If you think Egypt has all the right in the world to attack Ethiopia in order to protect its life line, You make a good argument in favor of Ethiopia attacking Eritrea to take over Asab port which has been Ethiopia's line for a long time. Does this define tit for tat theory?
ReplyDeleteWeyane, Days are numbering to joine Atzie Yohannes Head in the Sudan Musium.
ReplyDeleteU wish ....
ReplyDeleteThe Southern nile belong to Ethiopia, Redsea belong to Eritrea. Get the point shut the fuck up. Asseb and the rest of the coastal line of Eritrea belong to Eritrea & Eritrean.
ReplyDeleteYou tried to take not only Assab but the whole Eritrea and felled miserably.
ReplyDeleteJust watch!!!
ReplyDeleteDidn't we get involved in SomLia??? Didn't we gave shelter to al shebab leaders? Even I personally heard Al Amin (the head. Of PFDJ) in one public meeting I attended publicly admitted Eritrean envolvment. Who are you trying fool?? Both Ethiopia and Eritrea were deeply involved. Ethiopian envolvment was direct ordered by their master (USA). Eritreans envolvment was "tsmblali' maqora zeykedenet's midri kedenet"
ReplyDeleteجنوب النيل تنتمي إلى إثيوبيا، البحر الأحمر تنتمي إلى إريتريا. الحصول على نقطة اغلاق اللعنة حتى. عصب وبقية الخط الساحلي من إريتريا تنتمي إلى إريتريا والإريترية.
ReplyDeleteI m not Tplf fan and I don't care if they get kicked out from ethiopia...but when it comes to nile joke ,there is no space for haterssss
ReplyDeleteትውደም በል እንጂ፡ በብዛት መሰለህ አንዴ፡ኣህያ!
ReplyDeleteThe only thing pfdj didn't do is involving in drags...they don't run drags...soon DIA will invest huge $$$$ to run the joint cuz it has a lot of profit..and right they got chep labor ...cuz national slavery sure DIA will be #1 drag lord in the horn of Aricaaaaa...
ReplyDeleteSooner or later Egypt will use its force to destroy the dam. Nile is Egypts survival and there is no way 100 million people will thirst to death. Many years ago it has been predicted there will be water war and the time is coming. I hope and wish Eritrea will stay away from both nations.
ReplyDeleteNo we did not give shelter to Al Shebab leaders. If you recall, al Shebab threatened to bomb Asmara for being a Christian nation and quite frankly if it wasn't for Ethiopia's foolish intervention into Somalia, Al Shebab would never have existed and/or been a threat. The fact is that Eritrea did not host Al Shebab leaders but did host respective moderate members of ARS which subsequently went on to lead the U.S / U.N. sponsored transitional government. Remember Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmad. The hosting of these members was meant to serve as a cataylst for discussions on how to save Somalia and have it be inclusive of all pertinent Somali actors and stakeholders and not those strictly hand-picked by the West. If you recall, that is how Somalia initially descended into chaos when the CIA funded selective warlords. Maybe if the discussions were given a chance to nurture we could have seen a concrete Somali initiative owned by the Somali's themselves. The truth is that the US now seeks to host and hold discussions with extremist Syrian groups under the theory they have a say and it should be inclusive but they found it in their interest to sanction Eritrea for the same approach. So who are you trying to fool with your intentional fabrications? Maybe the latter part of your name fits you, moron.
ReplyDeleteNow you reached the point what our forefathers said, "miwdaqka zeyterfekas hade afitu biriesika wideq). In the first place, you seems to me you don't have enough knowledge about somalis political chaos. Our GOE said that the political crises of Somalia must be solved by Somalia ppl. Let's give them a chance to figure out a last solution to their mess. We will not polarize the clans into moderate and fanatics. Al shabab is the product of Ethiopia intervention.
ReplyDeleteTo my dismay, you belittled my beloved Eritrea. We defeated the biggest army in Africa history and liberated Eritrea without any foreign intervention. Soon or later, we will cover Weyane scaby ass with gold from Bisha.
Nile dam an issue of no compromise –
ReplyDeleteIn an emotional and defiant televised speech before cheering Islamist supporters, President Morsi said on June 10,”Egypt’s water security cannot be violated at all…As president of the state, I confirm to you that all options are open…If Egypt is the Nile’s gift, then the Nile is a gift to Egypt…The lives of Egyptians are connected around it… as one great people. If it diminishes by one drop then our blood is the alternative.”
#If solutions do not work,we will not die in our land...
We will die next to there dam,so we have to go there and bombard them# Egyption General
Eritrea is so weak, LOL.
ReplyDeleteThe ten countries that share the Nile have debated for centuries how to best allocate the river's water to suit their interests. However, your poorest country in the world is attempting to kill 300 million people. Nile river has been serving as a life line for the ten countries. Therefor the ten reparian countries must share equally. If the flow of the river altered by Ethiopia new dam, war could arise between Ethiopia and Egypt. That day would be the end of the beggars empire in east africa.
Egypt has a pretty strong military. We have the most advanced fighter planes in Africa. We also have a good military and diplomatic relationship with China, which already withdrew it's support.
ReplyDeleteEthiopians dismissing the idea of a full scale invasion is very unwise. The nations around Ethiopia will let us conduct such an invasion. We can't sustain a LONG term full scale invasion, that's true. But we can come down there for sure and bring a regime change to Ethiopia.
Who knows? Maybe someone with brains in Ethiopia will take the leadership and eliminate any potential issues by declaring they have no intentions of continuing the misguided dam project?
We don't really want to fight Ethiopia, but this water is very important to us and we have historical rights to it. So we will fight for it, and, God permitting, we shall win.
I will add that this conflict is about water and not religion. All this Christian Muslim talk is void. The Christians here are just as desirous of halting production on that dam as the Muslims, because it means less water for Christians as well as Muslims.
ReplyDeleteThis is the likely scenero if Ethiopia does not stop threatning Egyptian livelihoods:
ReplyDeleteEgypt will transport high number of navy unites including [Ship To Surface Missile Unites] through Eritrea and South Sudan. Egypt will then block all ships entering through the Suez that are headed to and from Ethiopia to cripple the country's already fragile and weak economy.
The F16 Aircraft will launch Attacks from the Sea off the coast of Somalia and from Eritrean and South Sudanese Air-Fields.
1 signal Battalion.
5 Batteries of Tactical Ballistic Missile Systems.
2 to 4 Heavy Artillery Brigades.
5 to 8 Infantry Brigades.
2 to 5 Armored Brigades.
3 to 7 Mechanized Brigades.
Set Up Enough Anti Aircraft Systems in Eritrea and South Sudan
Two massive air strikes will mainly start with a huge number of 150 to 200 f16's and Tactical Ballistics Missiles.
first Wave of strike is to Destroy Ethiopian Air-power, Radars, Communication Centers. and Anti Aircraft Systems.
the air strike shall disable Ethiopian Air-power and Communication capabilities.
Second Wave will be to Destroy Ethiopian Tanks and and armory Unites. that shall destroy 60 % to 80 % of Ethiopian Armory Power.
After that the Eritrean Army will push forward inside Ethiopia from the North supported by long Range Egyptian Heavy Artillery Brigades. and Egyptian air fighters when
The Egyptian Army will invade Eastern Ethiopia with ONLF and OLF fighters and push all the way as fast as possible to addis to capture the capital. once the capital has fallen Egypt
army will withdraw in 3 to 6 months and will put in place a government that the majority of Ethiopians will support, and a government that respects international laws.
The Egyptian Air Force can neutralize the dam in a matter of short time without touching any Ethiopian. Our problem is certainly not with the Ethiopian people, but with the dam. War is not necessary here, but if it happened then Egypt would have no other choice but to air strike the military facilities of Ethiopia, and then deploy the heavy machinery / weaponry to North Sudan, securing the way through South Sudan to Eritrea, and eradicating the unfairly matched Ethiopian army from this world we know.
ReplyDeleteIt's easy to reply by insults and low class nationalism, but the anger shown by Ethiopian regime sympathizers won't help if the F-16s and Egypt-enhanced mirages cover your sky, block the sun (doing you a temporary favour) and then bomb the hell out of your facilities. We don't attack or kill civilians, only military utilities, but Ethiopia will be left with zero military power, and every little kid passing by in Ethiopia with a pistol will have a say in the Ethiopian internal matters afterwards.
We are not playing. The Nile is our existence. Egypt is already preparing for a war to remove the Ethiopian regime. You don't toy with 90 million Egyptian lives just so you can make a profit. Water is dear to humans. This is an unforgivable attack on our people. This is a silent genocide that the Ethiopian regime is doing against the Egyptians. For that, the regime in Ethiopia must go. It will go.
You haven't seen nothing yet. Egyptian generals are already planning the attack to destroy the dam and remove the Ethiopian government.
ReplyDeleteAll I see and hear is dated military hardware and trashy music. A few Egyptian F-16s will solve this issue.
ReplyDeleteBelieve me. Egypt will eradicate the Ethiopian government. No mercy will be shown to this barbaric regime that wants to endanger the lives of 90 million Egyptians.
ReplyDeleteMen yblukhi nsikhi khe gualey?
ReplyDeleteAnta izom merzamat hzbi iziom, were ab mengona intay alewom zmagotu? kidi ms egypt/sudan gTemi Hayli inteleki. natnas ytrefki. Mariam asmereyti, Kidanemhret alewa Halewtna.
kufuE nay seb ktmneyu kekfuU nAkhum ygberelkum.
anta wedey,
ReplyDeletewoyane intekhonka aytidkem kulu gudkum tefeliTu iyu ztalel Eritrawi yelen dHri degim ibleka. Anes Eritrawi iye bhalay intekhonka gn CHaf zereba hizka aythawtit. temekro Alem zeleka aytmeslenin. Halafi mukhanka aytresiE. buzuH drqna temelisu nAkha iyu zEnqifeka, mergem hzbi qelil keymesleka.
luukh woyane intezeytkhewn neza Hizoma zelewu arEsti segirka TIR! ilka nab guday Eritrea mzrabka Hadegegna temen mukhanka iyu zeredAni.
Hagerom zsheTu qedamot abey alewu ? Lbi gber.
i hate what seems to be Eritrean attitude on this subject, i mean i rather trust the devil than trust an Arab!!!! Please do not forget who these people are, i mean we hate every time we travel through their country, their attitude towards us and in fact every thing about them, they are disgusting, their attitude towards us is part of their culture and social fabric, their raciest and prejudice attitude towards us is deep in their vein. it disturbing to kill those those who look like us, by the hand of those who really hate us and who would not wait to kill or destroy us for as a thank you. these people, an african country build by african - when you go to their country they will tell how they view you, it desperate if we ever work with an Arab to kill any of our African (as they do not see themselves as one) brother. Arab will never change and to me i rather sleep with the head devil rather than be the b***ch to his ass
ReplyDeleteRegardless how you twist thing, you can not hide the truth. The shebbab leaders aka Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, Sheik Sherif and others were living in Asmara. The Eritrean Government was giving them Soldiers. we also had gave them military training around Burrie (Assab). This is a solid fact.
ReplyDeleteWhy we did it, I don't know but I know we gave them shelter, we armed them and gave them training.
Temekiro Alem Tefiuka zelo niska ika. In this advanced world, your Nakfa mentality is not carry you far. Please dig your self out for the dip cave you are in.
ReplyDeleteHave a blessing day
Believe me brother, not even the Somalians themselves have enough knowledge about their political chaos. You can should not try to reaper something beyond reparable. Eritrea should have stayed away from Somalian problem. Look what we got today - we gave them to dunk us with sanction. Our leaders were acting like hood tugs.
ReplyDeleteWhere did Saleh Idris Eri-TV, and cameraman Tesfalidet Kidane Tesfazghi got captured?? Ain't that in Somalia! What were they doing there?? To film a wedding ceremony?
ReplyDeleteNo matter how you twist things you can not change the truth.
We have trained al shebbab fighters in Burrie (Assab) area. As a matter of fact one of my friends (who is 1st round national service) was one of the trainers. Their leaders sheik sherif and shiek Hassen dahir Aways and their clowns were sheltered in Asmara.
Go and try to find other fools. You are dealing with a wrong person.
this is also a black Africa vs north Africa thing. i don't think the rest of SSA will take a invasion of Ethiopia lightly
ReplyDeleteLet me quote an arab saying- the camels travel, when the dog keep barks!!! F....Kism or Nasserism barks a lot by opening its big stinky mouth..
ReplyDeleteYou are simply an idle-man, who spent months in the known Tahir square do nothing but smoking...
It seems you made F15 by yourself, but it is the result of your begging for decades from US for meddling with the problem b/n Palestine and Israelis.
Ethiopia is a great nation of more than 94 Millions, who it need to develop its energy, irrigation and what not.
Abay/Nile is as useful for Ethiopia, like Sudan or Egypt or any other country.
You and your likes of dumb head should know history about your trial to invade Ethiopia and your LOSS.
Politically, everything has changed for good. Even the Turkeys and Arabs are distancing itself from Egypt, knowing the whole-Affair total failure.
You better cooperate with Nile Agreement, that involves the upper and lower riparian countries....
wow .....what have you said asshole arab? have you heard what happened to your ancestors centuries ago who tried to mess with Ethiopia? have you heard the name Ras/General Alula? just open your google and type the battle of gundet and gura and search!!! and for now the grand renaissance dame reaches 32% complete which its work have done 24 hours without any interruption. it will be completed within the next 3 years! Waiting your asshole F-16. LOL.......
ReplyDeletePlease do not generalize and say Eritrean, express your opinion and speak as yourself some things are more than what they seem to be and your logic of "looks" needs reconsideration.
ReplyDeleteThank you
The lies you tell, what a moron indeed; of you know all this why were not you testifying? Burre is and was one of the fronts against you woyane and if you know what happened there you will never open your mouth again. It was not a training site and i can tell you that for sure, but there was a fire and literally they were engulfed with fire,,,uhhh Burre. No woyane had dared to raise it again. As far as somals yes we have sheltered are still doing so because in there times of needs we shall be there for the and they are at home us my brothers and sisters not refugees. That is the difference between Eritrea and others, somalia will gain its composition and this shall pass to.
ReplyDeleteAnti khli !
ReplyDeleteAb gezakhi konki zeraf beli intedelikhi.
Hmam !
It's all bull shit. Egypt is already struggling to deliver water to its residents. The dam is intended to humiliate Egyptians politically and psychologically and physically hurt the Egyptian people.
ReplyDeleteThe regime in Ethiopia must go. It's the only solution at this point.
Anta Afaf !
ReplyDeleteTemekro NaQfa iko iyu ERITREA tbahal Hager kab af Hagagits menziU, Banderana maEre Alema seQiluwa zelo. Ember do lbi aleka iyu?
bDem suwuAtna ayteshkaElil. Mutrus !
If you don't like us, then stop coming to Egypt, simple as that. We have no problems with anyone. Your racist tirade is a reflection of your insecurities.
ReplyDeleteEgypt is African. Many Egyptians, especially in the South, Are Numbians (real ones, not that fake West African decadents who steal Nubian people's history in the West). Sudan (Kush), including South Sudan, have deep historical connection with ancient Egypt. Even Eritrea, which was then called Land of Punt, was historically intertwined with ancient Egypt. Land of Punt (Eritrea) and Kush (Sudan) teamed up to invade ancient Egypt and ruled together for a century. The pharaohs of Egypt viewed Land of Punt as the ancestral home of ancient Egyptians, so we are just as African as everyone else.
ReplyDeleteA taste of Egyptian Military
A glimpse of Egypt's Miliatry:
ReplyDeleteIt is already proved that Eritrean do not support alshebab. Why don't you fellow recent development?
ReplyDeleteYou are living in your own world. Okay go on continue like that you will just harm yourself no one is supporting for your endless lies.
Update yourself please!
Egypt have the strongest army in East Africa.
ReplyDeleteThe strongest army in the horn of Africa, which was Ethiopia's army was defeated by a small country Eritrea in 1991, and had evaporated already. The same has happened to woyane too in 2001. What will happen then again to Ethiopia, if they choose war with Egypt? The result is clear it will facilitate Ethiopia to become a failed state.
I ain't got time for ur shit....go do something instead of running ur mouth .i don't care if u hate Ethiopians ...look man since the war 1998_2000 ended half of ethiopian poplation born so they don't even know eirtrea sooo leave us alone ..we don't know u ,,don't talk about our business .ur problem is Tplf so go fuck them ,we don't care ..but leave my country alone..shit
ReplyDeleteI don't know if we do that today, but we supported them few years ago.
That was then, but today that kind of mentality will not take you far. We are living in different world. A fast moving world!
ReplyDeleteWho killed 19,000 Eritreans? Egypt or Ethiopia?
ReplyDeleteWho kicked out 85,000 Eritreans of Ethiopian origins through minefields with nothing but the clothes off their backs? Egypt or Ethiopia?
Who continues to send their populations by the thousands as "Eritrean" refugees to the West even though they are Ethiopian? Egypt or Ethiopia?
Who seeks to economically strangle Eritrea through sanctions? Egypt or Ethiopia?
Who continues to occupy Eritrean territories and regularly attack Eritrea? Egypt or Ethiopia?
Now, how the hell can you compare a savage barbarian weyane regime in Ethiopia with any devil? What did the devil do to deserve such slander?
It's like certain Eritreans are mentally retarded beyond comprehension. Are you stupid? Did you ride the small yellow bus when you were a child? The Weyene regime is worse than anything known to man, including religious fairy tales.
Terry Carr, the token black guy that goes to Ethiopia to sleep with Ethiopian women then considers himself an intellectual and defender of Ethiopian historical falsehoods. Go fuck yourself, loser.
ReplyDeleteIt's very shameful to see eritreans to wish other country to fight ethiopia in our behalf, we used to be very proud of our defence forces. What happened?
ReplyDeleteYou're not Eritrean. Go to Skyscrapercity forums and you'll see "Rora" posting pictures of Ethiopia and bashing Eritrea. You dumb Ethiopian coward, Rora isn't even an Eritrean name; it's Ethiopian. Troll smarter, moron.
ReplyDeleteHahahahaha! It seems you dont have any clue about Eritrea, Rora is a name of a place in Sahil, have you heard of Rora baqla,Rora Endlal, Rora Laba?...... guess what i dont think so!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI apologize to all Madote and you for been personal but ’m pissed of now….. so let me ask, is an Arab giving it to you so good every night or is he even paying you for it or does it come free after you clean his toilet? You know how he describes you to his friend and what he says about you behind your back. Sh*rm*t* I guess that your name, well that all you could ever be then get used to it Sh*rm*t*. this is how your lover sees you… disgusting thing….an Arab NO u cheap thing…
ReplyDeleteyou do not understand my Logic of 'looks'... how about now
gura new. ethiopia sent gize gurawan yalnefache. eritreanen alashenefechem aydelem egyten. guregnoch.
ReplyDeletei did not generalise, i shared my person view.... if you can read and understand english..."i hate what seems to be Eritrean attitude on this subject" the subject been the subject on the top and then i started my view by saying "i mean i rather trust..." see those (I) that mean me not every Eritrean... please learn some English maybe ESOL? have a good night hope you take my advice...ESOL, ESOL
ReplyDeleteSince when has Arab become a religious fairy tale? Arab = people - Islam/ Christian = religion..okkk retarded BOY (i know i need to stop talking with little boys)
ReplyDeleteif you want to see a retard who can't even read then i suggest that you look in the mirror. 2nd sorry no i did not ride the small yellow bus, i just though it was for retarded people like you who can even walk 100m to school, without their mum holding them. see I want to Salam &
Martin Luther primary school and you know what every day i had to walk, and you know what everyday i used to see the face of my enemy as i walked passed (storage place, used to be called Foch Gonderan) durg solders. Guess what i was between 3.5 -6 years old on those years. SO Robel I know you are just a Beles with no clue, so please have some respect, and learn first, before you speak to me, as if you are on you PMS.
2nd i have no love what’s so ever for the Weyene but if you think that allowing a 3rd player to come in and there will be peace in the land is just a clueless Beles dreaming. Ethiopia is a life long problem, and its our problem. its not a problem we could fix tomorrow, the only way this scenario could have a good result for Eritrea is if Ethiopia is deleted from the maps, which i can't imaging ever happening. so the only solution is peace, nothing more and nothing less. for if we continue the use of guns, then not only our children's but the children's of our grandchildren will continue this war.
3rd no where have i said that Weyene is good or what ever... my point is the fact that we are calling on outsiders to help us out of the box we find ourselves in.... by turning our land into a war field??? see i see myself as a child of the king of the seas, i see my self as a child of those who made the super powers bow down to them, so when i see people speaking non sense due to EMOTION and not LOGIC, I’ve to ask, are you for real or just mentally challenged?!!! if we go to war on behalf of a third player, then i promise you peace will never reign on the horn.
“how the hell can you compare a savage barbarian weyane regime in Ethiopia with any devil? What did the devil do to deserve such slander?” so I guess that we should not have any relationship with RUSSIA, CUBA, YEMAN …. Or even all Ethiopian people then, I mean they
killed us, support their government when they invaded us and even supporting the kicking out of 85,000 Eritreans of Ethiopian origin… so do you even want peace or do you just enjoy your brothers dying to defend the country (something obviously you are unable in doing) or do you just have love for war.
“Who seeks to economically strangle Eritrea through sanctions?” … “Who continues to occupy Eritrean
territories and regularly attack Eritrea?” (you mean the largest African army that had the backing of both super powers, that perished at the hands of 3.5 million people?) i did not know Ethiopia had any power and I mean any economical or political power to put suctions on Eritrea or occupy Eritrean territory (I mean if i look at history the only people they ever been able to put under any suction is their own people – which is why they run away.. Stupid they do not need to send their population as Eritrean, as their own people look up to Eritrean and they do not need their government for them to know how hard life is for Ethiopians under Weyene)
Robel, I agree on one point…. I’m defiantly, I mean 110% sure now that certain Eritreans are mentally retarded beyond comprehension, do you need a mirror Robel or should we ask Egypt to aid you?
Thank God, our leaders are not short sighted, emotionally unstable and incompetent & insecure individuals.
Are you a bitsch too? Have I seen you in Cairo? Now I know why.... they call you shermut. Aha ....You like it .... aha .... now here is carot you like it ... eat it ... it is sweet ... aha... so you call your self now shermut... you your self ..aha.... how come then you like it ... been living like this for eternity .... aha .... pendling... as a shermut ..... ok ok ok ... what do you want to do now..... aha a shermut ..... ..... bitch arround as always ...aha ..... good you can do it .... because ......the almighty made you for that. You are such a beautiful ... sweet... Morning dew that never lasts long.
ReplyDeletei do not any more, in fact in my last two trips i paid more in order to avoid you, 1st 275 UK pound more in order to avoid YOur desert and in the second i had to travel through 4 countries and paid 100 UK pound more than if i travel with your air line. all remember from my last trips about your country is how a God forsaken place, a lifeless desert it was, which might give us an explanation for the way you are: kelib
ReplyDeletelllool you really made me laugh with this one "Your racist tirade is a reflection of your insecurities." i think you really need to have a look at your people and maybe you see the Truth.
let me get real on Egypt, you are a people who are a servent and a subject to foreigners. i mean you can't even elect a leader without Washington's permission, your own army does not answer to you but to washington, you are a dog bitch to washington, i mean you are the people who signed a deal with the devil and left their own brothers under the day time burning sun and the coldness of the dark night. IF EGYPT IS WHAT YOU REALLY CLAIM IT TO BE THEN, DEAL WITH ISRAEL 1st before coming to our page and talk shit. Egypt is nothing, irrelevant, unimportant ... i mean even the Arebs see you as a traitor .... so as i'm not coming to your country could you please get out of a web that for Eritreans by Eritreans
I am still taking my ESL so please give me a couple of years to answer you; "O" in esol i think is a curve ball. Just give me time bro?
ReplyDeleteYes, I am Ethiopian and I need this barbaric to be remove from power and stop selling our land to foreign countries. Nasserism is right that Egypt is the one strongest country militarily in entire Africa, and Ethiopia can not fight with them militarily. Plus Ethiopia government aids was cut off this year and the are already crippling down financial wise. This barbaric regime will be overthrow soon......
ReplyDeleteAre you one of those who are mentally retarded?
ReplyDeleteEthiopia tekdam
ReplyDeletei don't defend Ethiopia. you guys just admitted your not "black". honer identity crisis
ReplyDeletetell that to the rest of Africa.
as i said before an Arab occupying an black (more or less) nation is not gonna look good. plus most most north Africans don't call themselves African because it is used for the blacks (SSA)
even though I usually do not agree with your points, I must say you are on point here
ReplyDeleteReally Beles... you usually have points but on this subject you have shown to be a real retarded... 'RORA isn't even an Eritrean name'... stupid Beles do not embarrass your self by opening your mouth, learn first Beles.. do not mean go there for 2 month and act like you know and understand. I thank you for showing everyone your true colours: retarded
ReplyDeletebelu Hansab,
ReplyDeleteHade zmote Torserawit zgedefa Hatsin QobiE alatni, abza riisey kof bela, Imni ktsanadewu riisey keytfegUni.
Ab gezana atikhum si kndzi aKHudir ?
Ertra zeytrekhbo zeybla hehehe
gasha Asha
ReplyDeleteAdekha mesile do teraEyeka?
ReplyDeleteThis film has nothing to do with Egypt
ReplyDeleteI'm just saying, we don't need no country to defend our courses, neither Egypt nor any other country in the whole world will fight our fight Weyane will go out from every pieces of Eritrean land they are in to.Just get rid of the "mad dog" of our land which scatters our heroes and replace it with Demhit, and we will be back as a formidable as we used to be militarily.
ReplyDeleteR U dumb or idiot ;Mr.Pseudo-Eritrean?
ReplyDeleteIf the Ethiopians succeeded in destroying Eritreans before and after independence ,which failed by the way,with the help of the USA ,Soviets ,Cubans,Yemenis;Libyabs,East Germans and the Israelis then post independence with the help of the USA,the whole old Soviet Army Generals and advisors,and the Israelis,why wouldn't Eritreans learn from the past and seek any alliance which can help us to defend ourselves.?
This time though,mark my word,we will use it effectively for GOOOOD!
We still are formidable; and we know defeatists too, stay the course and you will see. Its funny however you find it morally wrong to wish the distruction of one by the i dont wish it to anybody but you have thus far been praying and hoping Eritrea's faith be.
ReplyDeleteThe nile in gojam is in gojam and if ethiopia wants to build a dam more power to the ethiopians and i personally hope they shall achieve that through amicable resolutions that concern the parties. But blaming and sticking everything and issue shows either a luck of creativity or nonsensical obsession.then, the same can be said about your obsession, so be a little kind to yourself and try to expand you horizon by looking at every reflection an object for what it is.
..i know probably my most ignorant comment but its still very true: Egyptian see themselves as Arabs and not African and my whole point in this subject has been about Arabs which Egyptian see themselves as.
ReplyDeleteno problem forto sawa but you need to understand i said learn English and not American. in English speaking countries its called: English for Speakers of OTHER Languages and not as you would call it English as a Second Language. Time: its not for me to give, you've all the time in your world
ReplyDeletei'm sure people will call me that Zeragi, for standing by the values and culture that's the core of EPLF and of course PFDJ. i believe people don't seem to understand, what self reliance really means and why our president told the Arab league to F£*k off and only joined the AU... long term action speaks lauder then temporary relationship. so lets wait and see which one of us will be right.
ReplyDelete1st good is relative its not like the truth which is universal.
ReplyDelete2nd i'm wondering do you know who Egypt is? Egypt is 53 or is it the 54 state of the imperialist and Ethiopia is the 54 or is it the 55 state. so if we get involved we'll be opening a back door for the head of the imperialist to enter, so which one am i then dumb or idiot for i agree with him, as i can't agree with Rora
now i am picking up! yes i am,,
ReplyDeleteYou are worst than any Arabs
ReplyDeleteYou jack ass Arab who need you to come here and comment about others proud black Africans and we already knew your attitude toward us .
ReplyDeleteThat is only in the mined of retarded arabs like you.
ReplyDeleteGo back and see your history first who you ever
ReplyDeleteYour body is in Africa but your brain and your ass is in Arab and America.
ReplyDeleteweyane kab merietna keywetse dekas yellen..this is sure, by any means
ReplyDeleteAqli tirah
ReplyDeleteA brainless person like you can say any thing that is impossible to possible ways that makes life hard for their own peoples for the future generations and if you try to change the Africans leaders by power then you are our new 2014 colonizer then you are the one who decide every think for us and simply watching you while you try to invade us is totally brainless way of thinking by you.
ReplyDeleteAjoka Mussie, Aqli allo ab botu u..weyla a de a weyane nay maàdo zeray amina na ana ketdefer..kesanet zellowo leyti aytehaderen iya..
ReplyDeleteI agree. It is very shameful for people desire the attack of another country. Yes, we had issue with the current government but Ethiopia have more in common with us then any other country. Wake up people and fight for peace and freedom instead fighting for the destruction of other country
ReplyDeleteare you the same sMichael from if you are the same person i feel sorry for you.
ReplyDeleteYES "Most ignorant comment", thanks for your confesion erirat
ReplyDeletewho is "us" if you mean Ethiopia, you feed him back from your room. Eritrea is not a playground of Ethiopians, keep your boundries.
We know you are day dreamer madote by deferent FACKED UP ARAB NAME..
ReplyDelete'confesion' i do not know what that is, is that spanish? ... i thought we using english? ... well i'm using
ReplyDelete1st ERIrat well thank you, you know the Eritrean rats are the last to leave even a sinking ship, see how loyal they are so i thank you for showing your inability to argue my points and had to become person
2nd at list i'm not a human rat, Egyptian Arabs the rats of the human race, i mean only an Arab rat would sell, be complacent to the killing, subjection, murdering, raping of others may it be in Sini to Africans or in the whole land of Palestine
3rd Arab rat remember - remember we created your land, we give birth to her kings and the whole civilisation, we did not just create her, we continuously give her life and when we decide we could turn her into a lifeless desert, as only a power giving to the true children of God's Land, and the Lions of the human race
Human-rat remember to hear my warning from Ta netjer.
We ethiopians are going to divert the rivers in your naked eyes. That is our F-16s as we did it last year. After that you will drink Saudis oil.
ReplyDeletedo you even know your own history, you have never in your whole existence ever won anything without an Eritrean been on the helm ... e.g. against the Italian, against the somalian... against your own created evil / enemies ( haile selassie- the derg)..... you do know a Lion is just a cat without his crown
ReplyDeleteLolll . True you are brother . They are blinded by fiction and old wives tales of courage and victory. Till this day in history Ethiopia has never ever defeated any real force ... all they are good at is " Fukera , shelela ....etc " A Cat without the crown indeed .
ReplyDeletewell, the truth is u just want to use the water only for ur fact u hav z right to use z river....we r not allow this, its time for us to build z dam and generating power, we Ethiopians r not evil. we r not start z dam to harm Egyptians, we r asking to use z river equally, that's why z international experts proof, z dam will not harm anyone...but if u guys not interested accept z truth, if u r too blind to accept z frame work that will benefit all members of z country's, its up to face war, we offer u a chance to solve z problems on z table, but if u try to choose solving this problems on z battle field well, i am afraid u will suffer from the weak up...b realistic...think like an educated and wise man...don't act like too blind...if u choose war...opps game over non of z Egyptian gon back home me....we r Ethiopians...remember... ;)