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More than two thousand Eritrean Students Graduate

More than two thousand Eritrean Students graduate

July 7, 2012 (ASMARA) —  More than two thousand Eritrean students graduated from a number of colleges and technical schools over the passed few weeks, according to the Ministry of Information.

The students received their degrees and diplomas from various fields, including teaching, animal science, agro-mechanics, nursing, radiology, anesthesia, laboratory, dentistry, pharmacy, mechanical engineering, among others.

“Our mission is to provide competent health sciences specialists, who are equipped with the foundation knowledge, professional skills, attitudes and ethical principles so that they can provide optimum healthcare to the people of Eritrea,” said  Zerabruk Tesfamariam, Acting Dean of Asmara College of Health Sciences.

Higher Institutional Education in Eritrea

Cognizant of education as fundamental prerequisite to the nation-building process, the Government of Eritrea, in collaboration with partners, began lengthy deliberations in 2002 on the types of Institutions of Higher Education that serves the country's socioeconomic needs. 

As a result of their discussions, the government introduced a total of seven colleges: Institute of Technology, Hamelmallo Agricultural College, College of Health Sciences, Orotta School of Medicine, College of Marine Sciences and Technology, College of Business and Economics, and College of Arts and Social Sciences. 

Located in different parts of the country and offering university level programs, the goal is to turn these schools into full-fledged universities within this decade. In order to coordinate their activities, a Provisional Committee for the Coordination of Higher Education was October 2006.

Currently, the government offers free primary, secondary and tertiary levels of schooling. The state also provides free meals and covers dormitory expenses for students perusing higher education. Consequently, the government spends 45 percent of its annual budget on education; one of the highest figures in Africa.

Eritrean Graduation Gown - Photo credit: Ginbar Ketema
College of Health and Science Graduates 
Graduation Ceremony
Graduation Ceremony 
Eritrean college students studying 
College of Arts and Social Sciences in Adi Keih
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More than two thousand Eritrean Students Graduate Reviewed by Admin on 11:58 PM Rating: 5


  1. Good progress in Education. As for turning those higher institutes into universities should not be a priority, because the institutes are producing capable and trained minds for the country. Instead, use the funds set aside for different project, such as roads and agriculture, the two most important sectors for any country.
    Eritrea milk distribution is totally broken. The government is harming the farmers by forcing them to present their product for less and the middlemen are fetching as much as double, making a 100% profit. That's unfair. Either stop controlling the farmers to sell their products to the public or apply the same measure on the middlemen gauging the consumer.

    The one thing I am very unhappy about Eritrea is the number of trees the country has, it is BALD. The country like Eritrea should have been filled with jungle, instead it is bald and dusty. The best thing the government can do is, every summer the kids should be taken out for a tree-planting summer job programme. The benefit from having kids take part in tree planting is immense.

  2. I would like to make my respond to my best ability No-Name.
    Eritrea needs more educated people first and foremost. If we want our Eritrea to have a better living standard we need to start with education. The better our population is educated the better they stand as a whole which the government have recognized and working diligently to achieve good results.
    As far allocating some of the government asset into building road I agree with you, however every time when the government planned/started a project a curve ball is thrown to stop it from the get go or from finishing it. Believe it or not Gabon's (Ethiopia's) proposal for the resolution 2023 (2011) was the ban of government run and operated construction company and among the most important ban which is the ban of selling/mining gold in Eritrea. Gabon wanted to ban Segen & Gedem from operating (building) more roads.Now ask your self Gabon doesn't even know where is Eritrea is located much less to presume to know intimate knowledge of operation of Segen's or Gedem's construction company.
    As for reforestation project, ministry of agriculture is doing all it can to make sure Eritrea is going back to what used to be covered 30% with forest and wild life. As current status of Eritrea 17% of the land is covered with forest which is a far cry from what used to be but it is getting there.But the biggest obstacle right now are some of our own people (haters) who are set to destroy what people took their time to plant trees.Minstry of agriculture doesn't have the man power and capacity to police all the new grown trees.


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