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Preparation to celebrate Eritrea's Jubilee is underway

Eritrean Independence Day Fireworks show

By Embassy Media, London, UK
1st December 2015

Glorifying the Values!
Jubilee Musical Extravaganza

A large preparation to celebrate Eritrea's Jubilee is underway and Eritreans from all the world are travelling to Eritrea to celebrate 25 years of Eritrean Independence.

The second youngest African Nation achieved Independence 25 years ago in 1991, after a bitter 30-year long armed struggle. Eritrea fought and won the liberation struggle without any external help.

Eritrea’s population of nine ethnic groups divided equally between the two religions of Christianity and Islam live in exemplary harmony and respect. Eritrea’s mountainous landscape and its modern art deco capital are a tourist’s delight.

The people of Eritrea are known for self reliance, hard work, hospitality and magnanimity. Visitors feel at home the Eritrean people celebrate each and every Independence Anniversary in grand style, because they have paid a high price for their liberation, over 65,000 of their best and brightest children gave their lives for Eritrea’s liberation.

Eritreans will be celebrating the great strides made in the last 25 years. Introducing their own home grown development strategy and relying on their own human and other resources, Eritreans have built schools, 8 new colleges, clinics and hospitals in every region, roads, dams and micro dams, airports and other impressive economic infrastructures.

Eritrea is also one of very few countries in sub-Saharan Africa that has achieved the UN Millennium Development Goals in 2015. Eritrea has also eradicated malaria, polio and other communicable diseases and has managed to reduce the incidence of HIV-AIDS.

As preparations for the grand 25th Independence Anniversary celebrations get underway, it comes as no surprise that music will take centre stage. Eritrea’s history is a story shared in the music of Eritrea past and new. During the struggle for independence, music and drama were used for education and mobilization and it was a means of expressing the hopes, pains and suffering of the people of Eritrea.

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