Ethiopia Scolds EU for extending development funds to Eritrea
Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, the beggar-in-chief of Ethiopia, gives the European Union the evil eye over ties with Eritrea
As the European Union (EU) prepares to extend more than 300 million euros to assist Eritrea's development for the period 2014-2020, a campaign led by self-proclaimed Horn of Africa scholars and activists has been launched to prevent it. The group claims to be about human rights, yet is frantically working to prevent ordinary Eritreans from having access to development funds that will undeniably improve their living standards.
These days, even European politicians are aware of these so-called activists and scholars are part of a larger campaign spearheaded by Ethiopia to prevent Eritrea from gaining access to international funds. They understand it's part of Ethiopia's no war no peace strategy to economically cripple Eritrea and make life unbearable for its citizens.
Indeed, it didn't take long for Ethiopia, the EU's biggest development fund receiver in Africa, to echo the same verbal diarrhea as the anti-Eritrea group it selected to spearhead the phony campaign. During Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn's address to EU Ambassadors, he reportedly tried in vain to chastise the EU for maintaining its cooperation framework with Eritrea and extending the 11th EDF cycle.
The Prime Minister tried in vain to chastise the EU for maintaining its cooperation framework with Eritrea and extending the 11th EDF cycle
— Yemane G. Meskel (@hawelti) May 12, 2015
@hawelti Unfortunatley, minority regime in #Ethiopia suffers from an incurable crab-mentality-equates success in #Eritrea with its failure
— Sophia Tesfamariam (@stesfamariam) May 12, 2015
PM Hailemariam seems to think he can lecture the EU on how they can spend their money and to which country they can and cant have ties with. As Yemane Gebre Meskel, Eritrea's Minister of Information put it, "EU-Eritrea ties & cooperation agreements are non of his government's business!"
Unfortunately for the Ethiopian dictatorship, its campaign to prevent the EU from strengthening its ties with Eritrea through hired proxy groups isn't going to work. Thus, it's long over due for Addis Ababa to stop its obsession with playing a spoiler role against Eritrea and focus on improving the lives of its impoverished people.
Ethiopia Scolds EU for extending development funds to Eritrea
Reviewed by Admin
4:06 PM

May be because he gets so much funding from them, he felt that he was leading one of the European countries!
ReplyDeleteSelamt Mr. Yemane and Ms. Sofia. So happy to read your messages. This cowards are not only concerned about 300m, their concerns and fear is, the connection we're getting with the rest of the world, our strength of becoming a unified nation, and our influence and economy power. Awet nehafash!
ReplyDeleteVery intelligent!!!!
ReplyDeleteEritrea is marching towards prosperity under president Isayas Afewerki,so it does not really matter whether ,they are assisting us in short term or not. but Jealousy is a disease for the weak minded like hasadt malelit!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAgames are always evil. Hasadat.
ReplyDeleteWow !,
ReplyDeleteCould you imagine Any of those Beggars in Eritrea back in the day NOT only begging for food from you, but also asking you NOT to give any Food to help any of their neighbors?
Is it pure evil or the forbidden word IQ?
God have mercy on Ethiopia.
That or may be he is trying to protect his citizens from a sinister neighbor who proudly sponsor terrorists for short sighted gain?
ReplyDeleteReally? Which citizens? The 'Golden Race'? With an IQ of 63, I understand the notion of citizenship to you akin to quantum physics. But to make it simple, you forfeited your citizenship when you came up with your brilliant Greater Tigray Manifesto, Dimwit!
ReplyDeleteBesides, never mind that as an errand boy of HOA you're in position to impose your will. But don't expect either your masters to fight your fight. When they impose their sanctions on Eritrea, it was out of their own self-interest....So is when they changed their policy. They didn't do it for you Nigger.....
I'm surprised you do even know the word 'intelligent' exists in human language. Retard!
ReplyDeleteAsha anceba! Enjoy your " independence" and the no war, no peace
ReplyDeleteprescription medicine that proved to be lethal to cripple your country and
people for many generations to come. We have the no war, no peace weapon enough to destroy and annihilate you – no need for any outside sanctions when we can zap you all together with no peace no war policy. Denkoro, asha anceba
The only lethal weapon you have, beggar boy, is your evil eyes...and your propensity to live on your knees instead of your sweat. Holding the throne hasn't changed that've elevated these traits to the national level....still begging wearing fancy suits. What a human waste!
ReplyDeleteWe don't even care about you or Eritrea!!! this is what the woyane dogs bark over and over. The dogs that come here to post over and over stupid ideas that they dream up while eating their usaids.
ReplyDeleteSo if Ethiopia doesn't care why is the puppet in chief atm lobbying and crying over some development agreements?. We see that twisted inferiority complex rear its head again just like Amb. shinn said himself.
Komal kedami; we will keep you land locked and an IQ of 63 for generations to come.
ReplyDeleteAmne-Aregawi YirdeAka (um)
ReplyDeleteUse wikileaks to educate yourself how your Dead X-PM Melez was terrorizing his own people just to claim it is done by his x-teachers (aka Shaebia), only to get Eritrea sanctioned. Your woyane don't need to sponsor terrorism, they are the main terrorist themselves. Now you may know who was looking for short term gain.
ReplyDeleteAyte Erty,
ReplyDeleteI want to read your "intelligent !!!!" comment to the above article, if you have one.
You will beg all your lief beaging is given to youyby god he created you only to beg and to sell beelles komal agame go beg your masters but eritrea will florish and shine like morning star by the hard work of her people and by the visionary president isayas afeworki long live our president long live our people bless our myrterers
ReplyDeleteCrab Mentality
ReplyDeleteCrab mentality is a social epidemic. It is characterized by people's action of pulling others down so they can get on top—just like crabs that are beating one another on who gets to go out from the pail first
What happened to the self-reliance?
ReplyDeleteI am not going to say anything until your independence day. I don't want to spoil the party.
ReplyDeleteS.S mesilukken eh?
ReplyDeleteHager ykun wlke seb mstetsegeme ylmn wey hagez yhatit. eti lemani gn nkhgez zgbao
ReplyDeletenkey higez kikelakel kolo NAy alem gnay Lemay inte lo Desale Hailemariam iyu.
Adgi intay tweld? Elu Elu wedi men iyu ? wedi adgi.
This plebeian rodent brain, he's just scared that his handlers are going to cut off his food supply. Ha,ha,ha,ha.....Ethiopia is becoming unstable-ethnic conflict-genocide, so on... even their handlers predicted their failure towards their failed state. bcoz of that, Europe is deserting their favorite pet slowly. They used them and now woyane are useless, they bled and died for their proxy war--and now look at them, they will throw them like a used condom. Ha,ha,ha,ha,
ReplyDeleteThat is great HE PM Hailemariam.
ReplyDeleteAs I am an Eritrean I escape from my own country due to the brutal regime in Eritrea.
I saw thousands of my fellow Eritreans inprisoned in shiping containers,
Day in day out round ups.
Endless national service of Eritreans.
Day in day out disapirance of Eritreans.
War mongering of regime with neighbouring countries, with Sudan,Yemen,Djibouti,Ethiopia.
Being reaped young Eritreans by miltary officers/Tegadelti/.
Incomnicado of other religioues blivers such as jehova,petntecostal christians,behaulah,Adventus, Sevendays,
Shoot to kill in the border erea,
So how can the EU begin to fund this brutal regime in Asmara.
Direct or indirect the EU are co-operating to the regime in Eritrea to prolong the suffer of
All the humans and international socitey must oppose this unholy gifts to brutals.
the good part about your dream is that it comes from blindness, and it's dangerous part is your ugly emotions.
ReplyDeleteThen by all means, please go away and don't come back.go to aiga forum.
ReplyDeleteU mean citizens like the Ogaden Oromo, and Gambela that the woyane are massacring. and among other ethnic minority groups in Ethiopia, are targeted with extra-judicial killings, torture, sexual violence, arbitrary detention and enforced disappearances. So pls, stop trying to cover for ur ethnocentric regime the woyane-tigray, wen its out in the open.
ReplyDeleteAnd that terrorists out-dated tactic crap ur trying to sell is so pathetic. Even ur woyane-tigray bombed itself and blamed Eritrea. and of course-- "TPLF sponsored ragtag misfits actual admit to economic terrorism by stating they'll attack Eritrean projects and foreign companies in Eritrea."--Even the FBI labeled the woyane tigray (TPLF) as a terrorist organization and genocide war crimes. And how can the woyane-tgray fight terrorism when they are committing state terrorism against its own people. what a joke u are...Ha,ha,ha,ha,
Ugumesh Alert!!... ugumesh Alert!!...ugumesh Alert!!....
ReplyDeleteWell then, stay-tuned.
ReplyDeleteUgumesh-Ugumesh---keep on whining like bitch. Ha,ha,ha,ha,...
ReplyDeleteDo you mean after your shambolic election? We shall see how long you will survive after that..
ReplyDeleteBut I thought the pride of Eritrea... just about only thing Eritrea can boast about is "Self Reliance". The "Can Do" nation doing it all on it's own. If Eritrea is receiving aid money, isn't essentially Eritrea a beggar as well? Wouldn't this make Eritrea no different from any other country that in the sense Eritrea too needs and gets aid from outsiders to exist? So, what does this do the the life long arguement of Eritreans about it is Eritrea's independent attitude of developement without aid that makes her unique in the world? Also, are you aware that the EU is giving development aid to Eritrea in its bid to stem the flow of Eritrean refugees flooding the shouthern shores of Europe? Are you aware due to the unstoppable flow of Eritreans illegally moving into Europe, the EU is taking desparate measures to improve the miserable living standard of Eritreans in Eritrea, in the hopes that people will opt to stay in their country instead of trying to get into Europe illegaly. Not only is this aid that Shabia supporters are excited about will not reach the poor masses of Eritrea but it will go to line the pockets and bank accounts of the ruling class and its prostitues in the likes of Sophia Tesfamariam. Why would EU give money to Issayas when there's is nearly $700Million in HSBC bank, held by Eritreans? Why doesn't any body ask about this money in HSBC bank account before begging for money from the EU??
ReplyDeleteAlec you - all of that is just wishful thoughts farted out of your anbeta infested brain. It's is not based in reality. There are no ethnic conflicts in Ethiopia but rest assured... the Kunamas, Afars, Saho's and those in the moslem lowlands are begining to aggitate... Eritrea will disintegrate soon. and it will happen very fast.
ReplyDeleteMadote just posted EU is about to donate money to Eritrea. Who's the beggar now, Mammo? You truely are Mammo Qilo or in English, Mammo the idiot.
ReplyDeleteand because Eritrea is the successful paradise.. that's why her children would rather drown in the high seas or have their organs ripped out of their bodies. You need a reality check. Perhaps you should roll it up in your pasta so your reality does not taste as bitter.
ReplyDeleteSophia, you are a whore with no morals. You prostitute yourself for money deposited in your name at HSBC. Anyone has yet to see you rant about the dying of your fellow flesh and blood in the high seas and in the deserts of North Africa. You are a pathetic, dispeakable sorry excuse of a creature.
ReplyDelete" aiga forum" haha amazing. you want to deceive and misguide the innocent people, fabricating a pointless and endless lies. I know you are like the bandits: who are destroying the generation mercilessly.
ReplyDeleteHa,ha,ha,ha...ትምነይዎ'አሞ ይዝንግዓኩም!!!
ReplyDeleteEveryone can see Ethiopia is a failed state. Am not gonna waste ma time to tell how and why, So i will let u see it for ur self. Now rolling and action...
Hasad Weyanay!!!
ReplyDeleteYou might wanna look at your Ethiopian government and their little back door ties and co-operation with Al shabab. You want to link terrorism with the one African country who gave al Qaeda a arse whooping on the borders with Sudan?
ReplyDeleteThat is the first intelligent thing you've farted out of your brain. ... Don't waste your time on Ethiopia. Worry about your defunct Eritrea. And I don't understand that Anbeta giberrish... speak English.
ReplyDeleteEU is coming to your aid with millions of dollars. So what does that tell you about the situation in Eritrea? If all that imaginary development was being undertaken by the "self reliant" and "can do" people and government of Eritrea under the divine guidance of his lordship, god on earth Issayas Afwerki, why is the EU offering aid and not trade relations with Eritrea? You see... the EU does not go to China and offer them hundreds of millions of dollars in aid. The EU would go to China to negotiate favorable trade terms. So, that said, I ask again.... if the great nation and people of Eritrea is doing so well, why isn't the EU coming with a trade delegation of leaders of European companies seeking to get in on Eritrea's booming economy. Like a large group of Italian companies just did in Ethiopia. A trade fair organized by the Italian embassy had a large number of Italian companies come to Addis looking for business opportunities. They wanted to get in on the action of the booming construciton business. Again I ask, if Eritrea is doing so well, why the 100s of millions of dollars in aid and not trade relations?
ReplyDelete"No war no peace" is an Ethiopian policy exclusively designed by Ethiopia for Eritrea and it is workign very well. The word "Eritrea" does not come up in conversations in the rest of the world. The only time is when the staunch Issayas supporters are parading in the streets of European capitals demanding the lifting of sactions. "No war no Peace" is a still standing policy that will continue for as long as Ethiopia wishes it to continue.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard for u to swallow-isn't it?..well its from ur handlers ...i guess they know u better. :D
ReplyDeleteIt's a design in-order to separate u from ur master. And when the master abandoned his pet...Well the pet suffers. It's a good design-wouldn't u say. :)
ReplyDeleteኣሌክ - Alec you
ReplyDeletekeyikedemetiki habal beliya. Eritreans were getting help through migration now the way is shifted they are getting aid directly which they were hiding up to now. Weather they like it or not they are African number one aid taking people and number one migrants in the world.
The problem of Eritrea can not be corrected by
ReplyDeletethe bad things of Ethiopia. As Eritreans we did not have mourning for our
beloved 500 died in the Mediterranean sea. At the same time 350 Eritreans died
in the Mediterranean sea but we speak about the death of 30? Ethiopians. you
can sea how much cheap the life of Eritreans. Ethiopia respects its 30?
citizens who were slaughtered by the ISIS. Shame on the media of Eritreans
Shame. According to some of the studies and UNHCR report about 30% of the total
population of Eritrea was migrated from Eritrea out of this about 10% of the
migrants died either in the sea, Mediterranean or they are exposed for kidney
market. Eritreans are beaten in Saudi, Israel, South Africa, Libiya, Sudan and
others but the government of Eritrea failed to support them an able to
acknowledged the problem. But you say Ethiopians killed here and there at least
the government has shown its interest to support them those who wants his
support. So, we Eritreans are trying to sea the dirty of others but unable to
see the dirt which is accumulated in our face. My advice is do not compare
ourselves with Ethiopia which is by far better and far away from us both in
development democracy
To Alec
ReplyDeleteThe problem of Eritrea can not be corrected by
the bad things of Ethiopia. As Eritreans we did not have mourning for our
beloved 500 died in the Mediterranean sea. At the same time 350 Eritreans died
in the Mediterranean sea but we speak about the death of 30? Ethiopians. you
can sea how much cheap the life of Eritreans. Ethiopia respects its 30?
citizens who were slaughtered by the ISIS. Shame on the media of Eritreans
Shame. According to some of the studies and UNHCR report about 30% of the total
population of Eritrea was migrated from Eritrea out of this about 10% of the
migrants died either in the sea, Mediterranean or they are exposed for kidney
market. Eritreans are beaten in Saudi, Israel, South Africa, Libiya, Sudan and
others but the government of Eritrea failed to support them an able to
acknowledged the problem. But you say Ethiopians killed here and there at least
the government has shown its interest to support them those who wants his
support. So, we Eritreans are trying to sea the dirty of others but unable to
see the dirt which is accumulated in our face. My advice is do not compare
ourselves with Ethiopia which is by far better and far away from us both in
development democracy
ReplyDeleteThe problem of Eritrea can not be corrected by
the bad things of Ethiopia. As Eritreans we did not have mourning for our
beloved 500 died in the Mediterranean sea. At the same time 350 Eritreans died
in the Mediterranean sea but we speak about the death of 30? Ethiopians. you
can sea how much cheap the life of Eritreans. Ethiopia respects its 30?
citizens who were slaughtered by the ISIS. Shame on the media of Eritreans
Shame. According to some of the studies and UNHCR report about 30% of the total
population of Eritrea was migrated from Eritrea out of this about 10% of the
migrants died either in the sea, Mediterranean or they are exposed for kidney
market. Eritreans are beaten in Saudi, Israel, South Africa, Libiya, Sudan and
others but the government of Eritrea failed to support them an able to
acknowledged the problem. But you say Ethiopians killed here and there at least
the government has shown its interest to support them those who wants his
support. So, we Eritreans are trying to sea the dirty of others but unable to
see the dirt which is accumulated in our face. My advice is do not compare
ourselves with Ethiopia which is by far better and far away from us both in
development democracy
To Alec you
ReplyDeleteThe problem of Eritrea can not be corrected by
the bad things of Ethiopia. As Eritreans we did not have mourning for our
beloved 500 died in the Mediterranean sea. At the same time 350 Eritreans died
in the Mediterranean sea but we speak about the death of 30? Ethiopians. you
can sea how much cheap the life of Eritreans. Ethiopia respects its 30?
citizens who were slaughtered by the ISIS. Shame on the media of Eritreans
Shame. According to some of the studies and UNHCR report about 30% of the total
population of Eritrea was migrated from Eritrea out of this about 10% of the
migrants died either in the sea, Mediterranean or they are exposed for kidney
market. Eritreans are beaten in Saudi, Israel, South Africa, Libiya, Sudan and
others but the government of Eritrea failed to support them an able to
acknowledged the problem. But you say Ethiopians killed here and there at least
the government has shown its interest to support them those who wants his
support. So, we Eritreans are trying to sea the dirty of others but unable to
see the dirt which is accumulated in our face. My advice is do not compare
ourselves with Ethiopia which is by far better and far away from us both in
development democracy
ኣሌክ - Alec you
ReplyDeleteThe problem of Eritrea can not be corrected by
the bad things of Ethiopia. As Eritreans we did not have mourning for our
beloved 500 died in the Mediterranean sea. At the same time 350 Eritreans died
in the Mediterranean sea but we speak about the death of 30? Ethiopians. you
can sea how much cheap the life of Eritreans. Ethiopia respects its 30?
citizens who were slaughtered by the ISIS. Shame on the media of Eritreans
Shame. According to some of the studies and UNHCR report about 30% of the total
population of Eritrea was migrated from Eritrea out of this about 10% of the
migrants died either in the sea, Mediterranean or they are exposed for kidney
market. Eritreans are beaten in Saudi, Israel, South Africa, Libiya, Sudan and
others but the government of Eritrea failed to support them an able to
acknowledged the problem. But you say Ethiopians killed here and there at least
the government has shown its interest to support them those who wants his
support. So, we Eritreans are trying to sea the dirty of others but unable to
see the dirt which is accumulated in our face. My advice is do not compare
ourselves with Ethiopia which is by far better and far away from us both in
development democracy
To Alec hussur
ReplyDeleteThe problem of Eritrea can not be corrected by
the bad things of Ethiopia. As Eritreans we did not have mourning for our
beloved 500 died in the Mediterranean sea. At the same time 350 Eritreans died
in the Mediterranean sea but we speak about the death of 30? Ethiopians. you
can sea how much cheap the life of Eritreans. Ethiopia respects its 30?
citizens who were slaughtered by the ISIS. Shame on the media of Eritreans
Shame. According to some of the studies and UNHCR report about 30% of the total
population of Eritrea was migrated from Eritrea out of this about 10% of the
migrants died either in the sea, Mediterranean or they are exposed for kidney
market. Eritreans are beaten in Saudi, Israel, South Africa, Libiya, Sudan and
others but the government of Eritrea failed to support them an able to
acknowledged the problem. But you say Ethiopians killed here and there at least
the government has shown its interest to support them those who wants his
support. So, we Eritreans are trying to sea the dirty of others but unable to
see the dirt which is accumulated in our face. My advice is do not compare
ourselves with Ethiopia which is by far better and far away from us both in
development democracy
To Hussur Alec
ReplyDeleteThe problem of Eritrea can not be corrected by
the bad things of Ethiopia. As Eritreans we did not have mourning for our
beloved 500 died in the Mediterranean sea. At the same time 350 Eritreans died
in the Mediterranean sea but we speak about the death of 30? Ethiopians. you
can sea how much cheap the life of Eritreans. Ethiopia respects its 30?
citizens who were slaughtered by the ISIS. Shame on the media of Eritreans
Shame. According to some of the studies and UNHCR report about 30% of the total
population of Eritrea was migrated from Eritrea out of this about 10% of the
migrants died either in the sea, Mediterranean or they are exposed for kidney
market. Eritreans are beaten in Saudi, Israel, South Africa, Libiya, Sudan and
others but the government of Eritrea failed to support them an able to
acknowledged the problem. But you say Ethiopians killed here and there at least
the government has shown its interest to support them those who wants his
support. So, we Eritreans are trying to sea the dirty of others but unable to
see the dirt which is accumulated in our face. My advice is do not compare
ourselves with Ethiopia which is by far better and far away from us both in
development democracy
Ab alem bisidet etikayed adi Eritrea. VIVA
ReplyDeleteAbalem bi Sidet Etinaber Adi. Eritrea Kabza adi miftareyi yihazin
ReplyDeleteErtrawiyan Erdata aynikibelin hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
ReplyDeleteboyo boyo Woy-ane boys are burning in hell while they are still alive!!!
ReplyDeleteThis guy ;you ; are obsessed with the word IQ.Are you a moron?