[Video] Interview with Ambassador Hanna Simon on UNESCO World Heritage List
By Eritrea EmbassyMedia
On the occasion of the candidature of the city of Asmara for inscription in UNESCO's World Heritage List - H. Exc. Mrs. Hanna Simon, Ambassador of the State of Eritrea to France & Permanent Delegate of the State of Eritrea to UNESCO conducted an interview with Embassy Media in Paris France.
The result of a two - decade research works, a Nomination Dossier was submitted in January 2016. The Dossier is a summary of an enormous quantity of work conducted in the last two decades by national and international researchers.
The research has been awarded a medal by the Royal Institution of British Architecture (RIBA), in 2016.
After a long journey, the time has come. In two weeks time (July 2017) a decision will be made at the session of the World Heritage Committee in Krakow, Poland. According to the UNESCO World Heritage guidelines, in order for a site to get selected it must have an outstanding universal value and meet at least one out of ten selection criteria.
The people and government of Eritrea are working hand in hand to inscribe Asmara at the place it deserves. At this time Eritreans all over the world are eagerly awaiting an affirmative decision by the World Heritage Committee.
On this occasion, Ambassador Hanna Simon, extends its thanks to all the people of the world for their love and support to Asmara and its citizens at this defining moment.
[Video] Interview with Ambassador Hanna Simon on UNESCO World Heritage List
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