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[Video] Interview with Mr. Tewelde Yohannes, President of Eritrea National Cycling Federation in Harrogate

Interview with Mr. Tewelde Yohannes, President of Eritrea National Cycling Federation in Harrogate

By Embassy Media

Eritrea has an international and affluent history of cyclist. The Cream of Africa! This impressive and effective cycling history has its base and roots. The first root goes to the Eritrean people love and passion of the cycling sports. Cycling as a means of transportation and as a competitive sport was first introduced to Eritreans in the beginning of the 20th century. The victory of the Eritrean cyclist in any competition is celebrated nationally. The celebrations have become part of the tradition - This has demonstrated that Eritrea indeed lives and breathes cycling.

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[Video] Interview with Mr. Tewelde Yohannes, President of Eritrea National Cycling Federation in Harrogate Reviewed by Admin on 4:17 PM Rating: 5

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