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President Isaias met and held talks with US Assistant Secretary for African Affairs

From left to right: US. Charge d'Affaires to Eritrea, Natalie E. Brown, US Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Tibor P. Nagy, President Isaias Afewerki, FM Osman Saleh, Presidential Advisor Yemane Gebreab at Denden Hall in Asmara

President Isaias met and held talks with US Assistant Secretary for African Affairs

By Shabait

President Isaias Afwerki received and held talks today, 4 December at Denden Hall with the US Assistant Secretary for African Affairs, Mr. Tibor Nagy. President Isaias and Mr. Tibor discussed on bilateral as well as regional and global issues of interest to the two countries.

President Isaias expressed Eritrea’s readiness for constructive engagement to strengthen relation and cooperation with the US in various sectors.

The US Assistant Secretary for African Affairs on his part reiterated US willingness to strengthen relations with Eritrea.

The two sides also agreed to work together for the consolidation of the peace agreement between Eritrea and Ethiopia.

Mr. Tibor Nagy also held similar discussions with Mr. Osman Saleh, Minister of Foreign Affairs and other senior Government and PFDJ officials.

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