Video: Massive fire in Awassa, Ethiopia
By Ethiomeida,
Several fires broke out Sunday night in an emerging, traditional-like market place in the tourist-hub city of Hawassa, 270km south of Addis Ababa.
The raging fires killed at least seven street children, and largely destroyed the area called 'Addis Gebeya,' whose English equivalent is "New Market."
Awassa fire fighters couldn't put out the wind-swept flames alone, and were joined by their colleagues from Shashemene, 25 km away from the lake-side city. At dawn, several bulldozers cleared the area of ashes and debris.
Observers said fire fighters, known for their sluggish efforts, were this time on alert, making sure the blames do not go beyond the targetted 'Addisu Gebeya' and wipe out residential quarters.
The public believes the fires are the work of the ruling party TPLF/EPRDF, which, under the cover of "modernizing urban towns" is dubiously known for destroying private businesses or emerging markets by setting them on fires.
"When bulldozers appear in the morning and clear the area of ashes and debris, it is evident it was the work of the government," one observer said.
TPLF, which in reality practices Marxist-like economics, has a voracious appetite to own the entire economy by way of decimating private businesses - even if they are budding.
Even as recent as in January, a privately-owned and historic Taitu Hotel was burned down, with the public squarely pointing its accusatory finger at the ruling party or government.
State-employed fire fighters spent one hour haggling over how much the owner of the hotel should pay them to spare his property. By the time the firefighters agreed , much of the historic site was gone.
Video: Massive fire in Awassa, Ethiopia
Reviewed by Admin
12:48 PM

Is this an Eritrean website or Ethiopian. I mean seriously guys, what does this have to do with Eritrea or Eritreans even in the slightest. This is becoming ridiculous, why don't we focus on our myriad of issues and how we should go about solving them instead of worrying about a neighbor.
ReplyDeleteThis obsessive interest in all things negative about Ethiopia is really making me question whether or not you are more interested in gloating over Ethiopia's shortcomings or improving Eritrea's weakness; by judging your previous two post, I'm going to guess the former.
It's news outlet you donut!!
ReplyDeleteEritrea has no weakness. If it is a fire of this magnitude it will be reported weather its in Ethiopia Sudan or Djibouti and maybe even yemen since these are the countries that border us. I think your obsessive non interest is even more of a peculiarity than you are trying to project on madote. Ethiopia is not our enemy we are at odds with its goverment that is occupying our lands.
ReplyDeleteThe people of Ethiopia we know well and we know in the diaspora also. So if we don;t know about this we will look insensitive.
God be with them to make it out safe.
ReplyDeleteThe question wasn't whether or not it is a news outlet you imbecile, but whether or not it is a news outlet focused on Eritrea or Ethiopia.
ReplyDeleteThe fact you started off your comment with Eritrea has no weakness tells me all I have to know about your train of thought. And I wasn't trying to project anything upon this website, besides the fact they they host an unusually larger number of articles pertaining to Ethiopia, especially being that this is an Eritrean website, not an Horn of Africa website; a fact that can easily be verified.
ReplyDeleteAnd taking your argument of insensitive into account, wouldn't it be more sensitive to take into account of the number of people dying, while fleeing a country you deem to have no weakness. Or do you deem Eritrean issues not worthy of your sensibilities?
Yes I agree, but I would ask if you feel that the reporting should be equal to that of Eritrea. Let's keep our focus, shouldn't we be focused on Eritrea and let the Ethiopians be to whatever fate befalls them.
ReplyDeleteJust look at the four related links on the bottom, two of the four are about Ethiopia and the links on the side of the page, three of the five are about other countries. Whatever your feeling on the current situation of the state of Eritrea, I think we can all agree that there is room for improvement and our focus should be on our own, unless of course you have other motives.
ReplyDeleteThe people who are telling us people are "fleeing" are also the same people that tells us Eritrea "shoots to kill ALL people leaving it".
ReplyDeleteGiven this glaring contradiction and all the positive things going on in Eritrea these SAME "people" refuse to ever give a shit about tell me that its manufactured.
I just deem people like you who are just wolves as not worthy of my sensibilities. But i'm always sensitive to my people. I know people who have flee the country they talk in a completely different manner than what you say.
Wow, you're really reach for something to stand on with your argument. I am assuming you think I am some kind of opposition member cause I happened to have a different opinion. And you some how clearly missed the issue, I have never asked for you sympathy, I really don't need it, all I asked is if you don't feel that the people that have left the nation you claim is without weakness don't deserve your sensibilities. And instead of spending our time discussion all with what's wrong with Ethiopia, wouldn't it be in the interest of all to spend that energy in moving our country forward. Or would you rather spend more time talking about Ethiopia for some reason?
ReplyDeleteAnd being that you have already confessed that you know people who have left Eritrea, wouldn't it be more beneficial for us to discuss issues related to that instead. Unless of course you happen to believe that Ethiopia deserves more of our time than our own nation
If the news outlet does not cover the events in and around us, what is its purpose then? Who cares about what happens else where in the world. We might be at odds with TPLF now, but Ethiopians will always be our neighbours and brothers/sisters.. Take it easy man!! Don't lose your hair over this!! We are not sick, we do not rejoice over this tragedy!!!
ReplyDeleteSeven children perish as several fires break out in Hawassa
ReplyDeleteHAWASSA, Ethiopia - Several fires broke out Sunday night in an emerging, traditional-like market place in the tourist-hub city of Hawassa, 270km south of Addis Ababa.
The raging fires killed at least seven street children, and largely destroyed the area called 'Addis Gebeya,' whose English equivalent is "New Market."
Awassa fire fighters couldn't put out the wind-swept flames alone, and were joined by their colleagues from Shashemene, 25 km away from the lake-side city. At dawn, several bulldozers cleared the area of ashes and debris.
Observers said fire fighters, known for their sluggish efforts, were this time on alert, making sure the blames do not go beyond the targetted 'Addisu Gebeya' and wipe out residential quarters.
The public believes the fires are the work of the ruling party TPLF/EPRDF, which, under the cover of "modernizing urban towns" is dubiously known for destroying private businesses or emerging markets by setting them on fires.
"When bulldozers appear in the morning and clear the area of ashes and debris, it is evident it was the work of the government," one observer said.
TPLF, which in reality practices Marxist-like economics, has a voracious appetite to own the entire economy by way of decimating private businesses - even if they are budding.
Even as recent as in January, a privately-owned and historic Taitu Hotel was burned down, with the public squarely pointing its accusatory finger at the ruling party or government.
State-employed fire fighters spent one hour haggling over how much the owner of the hotel should pay them to spare his property. By the time the firefighters agreed , much of the historic site was gone.
ginbot 7 is the long arm of alshebab.The USA government and CIA are watching the condition that Isayas is playing a game to make a terrorist act in USA using ginbot 7 as the long arm of alshabab.
ReplyDeleteI'm not trying to come across as insensitive over this tragedy and I assume that since I commented on this story's link it may seem that I don't feel bad for them, but I was trying to make a general point, not specifically aimed at this story.
ReplyDeleteI apologize if I came across aggressive. I have been meaning to write about this topic for some time.
Really Akalu. What does Ginbot 7 has to do with this article or alshabab. Dont you think you are reaching a little to far.
ReplyDeleteNo, is because for the first time Ethiopians are aware as a whole about the misguided and disgusting weyane system, through Esat or Genbot 7 or the other organization who are fighting to clean ethiopia from the minor crippled regime.
ReplyDeleteI think you are demented ! The topic was about TPLF burning poor people's livelihood to make away for their aggressive urban development. Not Gunbot 7!!
ReplyDeleteThat's what is called neighbourhood, I think to Italy matters what happen in Spain and france instead Mali or ethiopia. The same is said when Germans look in to their policy the compare themselves to the Scandinavian..So if we talk about each other i don't think harms
ReplyDeletepointless article
ReplyDeleteYour assuming too much again., There is only one REAL issue. Economic migrants.., incase you haven't been noticing our region is not the most stable. Also i guess you are blind deaf and dumb (since you are not Ethiopian) Eritrean is OCCUPIED ATM. The solution is to advocate for Ethiopian force to vacate pronto.
ReplyDeleteThe only assumption is that I believe our time would be more beneficial discussing Eritrea over Ethiopia, but I guess you consider that an assumption. Then you brought up a topic that had nothing to do with my original topic, which was we should spend more time talking about Eritrea.
ReplyDeleteYou have yet to answer the question, and after two post, I'm starting to believe you either don't have a fundamental grasp of how to form an opinion without confusion or you purposely avoid the question. Either way you make no sense.
Are you mad, "You don't even have an opinion of your own", do you just forget everything you read as soon as you read it. If you refuse to reply to my original statement than say so, but by beating around the bush you have only shown how ridiculous you are. I have clearly stated on numerous occasions that I believe as Eritreans our focus should be on Eritrea; do you remember reading that? Well do you? And for your information the solution to the "problem" should be clear and as straightforward as one can get.... LESS ETHIOPIAN NEWS!!!! I hope that isn't to passive aggressive for you.
ReplyDeleteAnd please entertain me and point to one instance where I "pit Eritreans against each other"; let me help you, you can't! And please inform us how asking for less Ethiopian news on an Eritrean website is ethic politics; let me help you again, IT'S NOT. It's called international politics and for future purposes please stop using terms and definitions that you are ignorant about.
"My opinion is rock solid", what opinion, please try to find one example where you answer the original question, please, I've tried. You have yet to clearly define a position and have shown yourself to be unable to hold attention to the topic at hand. Your arguments cannot even be defined as irrational, they serve no purpose.
Here's a tip: Stop typing, it's clear that you can't type and think at the same time
"Your arguments cannot even be defined as irrational, they serve no purpose."
ReplyDeleteYou need to go look in the mirror my friend. Less projection more reflection.
I agree that geopolitical news is always more relevant when it is closer to home, but that's not what I was stating. Me issue is with the fact that we (Eritreans) have taken an almost unhealthy obsession with our neighbor to the South. It seems that every other article or every third article is about them.
ReplyDeleteI understand the need to be aware of our "neighborhood", but only focusing on one country is to be a bit to much and also takes away time and energy we should invest in our own.
Again, you haven't answered one single question I put forth. At this point you yourself must understand what you're doing wrong. Please answer any of the questions I have put forward. I'm dying to hear your opinion on anything. PLEASE
ReplyDeleteChala, we still have Eriyans in awassa and all, that's why, we care about them, whatever country, continent, what have you, if there is a single Erian, its our business, so Lighten up!
ReplyDeleteSorry bro, it was meant for JAQ,,,,i know you knew already.
ReplyDeleteForto sawa, you can't claim the reason for the article is to report on the unfortunate fate of Eritreans in awassa because the article doesn't even mention the word Eritreans. So where are you getting that from?
ReplyDeleteIf you are claiming that there are Eritreans in Ethiopia and that is why Ethiopian news is reported almost as much as Eritrean news, then that is something totally different. But if your logic stands on the notion that any country Eritreans reside is deemed an important source of news, than Madote will be reporting on the whole world. And than the question is, when is too much too much?
Honestly, Segum, it's kinda hard to understand why your question is even directed at me. At no point in any of the comments have I asked for more negative comments. I didn't even say that the website was lying. The main point I was making, which you haven't understood for some reason, was that being an Eritrean website, we should focus on Eritrea and no one else unless it has to deal with Eritrea. I'm still confused as to where you have misunderstood my comment because I tried to make it clear as day.
ReplyDeleteAnd to your point of coming here to hear positive news, I would hope you read anything to gain a clearer understanding of the truth, whether it be positive or negative. I would hope you try to learn the truth instead of visiting a website to confirm your previously held basis because if that is not the case, then you are no better than those that go to those other websites to hear news that they need in order to further their narrow views.
And just for clarification, I wasn't able to understand the last two paragraphs, so if you can just repeat the point you where trying to make, that would be great.
Hawassa City is one of the beautiful town in Ethiopia which is located on the south part of Ethiopia far from 275 Km. around 400,000 people lived in wubitwa Hawassa. and the capital of South Ethiopian state.
ReplyDeleteby the way the city of Hawassa boarder with Hawassa Lake in west and south, Sahshemene town (Ras tafarian city of Jamaica) with north and Wondo Genet with East.
now let me show you some pic of Hawassa.
Stupid it is a criminal offense not a misdemeanor. Eritrea is at war so go back home and bark