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Write for Madote

Guest write for Madote

Jack F. Kennedy once said: "History is made by those who write it." This quote still holds true today. Unfortunately, the vast majority of information we know about our own past and present, has been and continues to be written by non-Eritreans. In order to combat this we need to write about our country, people and culture. If you want to contribute to turning the tide of misinformation, then start today by writing an article about any subject relating to Eritrea and send it to for publication.

Q: How long should the article be?
A: 250 words minimum and 1,200 words maximum

Q: How long will it take for it to be published on Madote?
A: Within 48 hours.

Q: Can I write about any topic?
A: Yes. So long as it relates to Eritrea or Eritreans.

Q: Can I choose to remain anonymous?
A: Yep.

Q: Can I post articles that are critical of the government?
A: Yep. So long as it's constructive criticism.

Q: Can I write in Tigrinya or other Eritrean languages?
A: In the future, maybe. But for now, just English.

Q: What other rules do you guys have?
A: Just a few:
  • No plagiarism
  • No ad hominem
  • Use credible sources for data
  • No cross-posting.

Write for Madote Reviewed by Admin on 7:27 PM Rating: 5
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